
Noshow Posting Rules

The Noshow Posting Rules functionality gives the ability for a property to post revenue against a no show reservation in order to realize the revenue and get the deposit off of the deposit ledger, but still show the reservation status as a No Show for statistical purposes. To do this, first the Cashiering>No Show and Cancellation Postings application function and End of Day>Post Revenue to No Shows application parameter must be active. Then, indicate what revenue transaction code the revenue will be posted against needs to be selected by the End of Day>No Show Posting Trn Code application setting.

Select Configuration>Reservations>Codes>Noshow Posting Rules to display the No Show Posting Rules screen. Using the No Show Posting Rules screen, you can configure rules that indicate how much revenue should be posted to the reservation based on the source code, reservation type, or both for the arrival night.

No Show Posting Rules Screen

Adding and Editing No Show Posting Rules

To add a new no show posting rule, select the New button. To edit an existing no show posting rule, highlight your choice on the No Show Posting Rules screen and select the Edit button. The No Show Posting Rules - New or No Show Posting Rules - Edit screen appears.

Res. Type. Elect the down arrow and choose the reservation type the rule is being applied to. These reservation types are configured in Reservation Type configuration (See Reservation Types for details).

Source Code. Select the down arrow and choose the source code the rule applies to. These source codes are configured in the Source Code configuration (See Source Codes for details).

Posting Rule. Select the down arrow and choose the no show posting rule option of ALL NIGHTS, FIRST NIGHT, or DEPOSIT ONLY that will be applied.

Matured Deposits and No Show Revenue Posting During End of Day

Note: If a no show reservation does not fall within the configured schedule, then no revenue is posted and the deposit for that reservation remains on the deposit ledger.

Note: The following discussion assumes that the Cashiering>No Show and Cancellation Postings application function and End of Day>Post Revenue to No Shows application parameters are set to Y. The transaction code against which no-show revenue is posted is specified by the End of Day>No Show Posting Trn Code application setting. When packages are involved, if the guest has an all inclusive package rate, then the whole amount is considered as the rate amount for purposes of no-show revenue calculation. However, if the reservation has a separate room rate and package rate, then only the room rate is considered in the calculation of no show revenue.

During End of Day processing, all reservations that have been marked as No Show, and whose reservation type and/or source code make them subject to a no show posting rule, will have any associated deposits moved to the guest ledger (that is, the deposit will "mature"); then the appropriate no show revenue will be posted against the deposit based on the no show posting rule. Here are some examples:

All Nights Value - If the rate amount for the reservation is 200.00 and the reservation is for 3 nights, 600.00 is posted (assuming there are not rate changes) regardless of the deposit.

First Night Value - If the rate amount of the reservation is 200.00, regardless of the deposit, 200.00 is posted regardless of the deposit.

Deposit Only Value -

When the posted revenue results in a debit or credit for the reservation, the reservation is matured to the guest ledger. Once on the guest ledger, the user has full cashiering capabilities and can zero out the folio to remove it from the ledger.

No Show Reservations with Outstanding Charges

A no show reservation may have a no show posting rule attached that results in an outstanding charge (an amount which is not covered by a deposit) being posted to the reservation. Such charges are posted to the reservation by End of Day processing on the proposed departure date. This functionality is enabled when the following conditions are met:

In addition, the Open Folio lamp will display on the no show reservation if the following conditions are also met:

See Also