
OAP Utility Service Parameters

Refer to the following image and the table below for information on entering the OAP Utility Service parameters.




Log Requests

Check this box to write the request messages to the OEDS request monitor table.

Archive GDS Logs

Check this box to archive GDS logs.

Note. Specify an email address to send email alert to users in case rate/restriction/price table rollover is not done on a regular basis automatically via the OAP utility.

See Also: Rate Update, AvStat Update and Regional Availability Data Rollover Parameters

Property Name

Enter the name of the property.

Email Server (SMTP)

Enter the email server information.

Sender Email Address

Enter the sender's email address.

Recipient Email Address

Enter the recipient's email address.

Request Log Insert Interval

Select the interval in minutes that the service inserts records in the oeds_request_log table and deletes records from the RequestLog.xml file.

Log Files Purge Time (required)

Specify the time of day you want the utility service to run the purging of old OEDS files.

Note: Files in the GDS TYPE A and TYPE B folders and the ArchivedLogs folders will not be purged.

Archive Interval (in hours)

Enter an interval in hours for the archiving of GDS Type A and Type B logs. A value from 1 to 10 can be entered here with 1 hour as the default value.

Memory Threshold to archive/ un-archive logs (required)

Enter the percentage of available memory to be used for archiving or un-archiving the GDS log files. It is recommended to keep a low setting to avoid any performance impact during GDS transactions.

When you have entered all of the information, select the Next > button.