2C Monitor Web Parameters
Refer to the following image and the table below for information on entering 2C Monitor Web Parameters.
Field |
Description |
Menu items to be displayed on 2C Monitor |
Select the menu items you want displayed on the 2C Monitor. Your options are: Service Monitor - Shows the status of the services that make up the GWIZ application. Type B In Queue - Indicates whether or not the Type B messages have been picked-up by OPERA. Type B Out Queue - Indicates whether or not messages are being sent out by OPERA. Performance Email Configuration - Allows a user to configure e-mail addresses to alert them of specific scenarios. BookingLimit Status - Displays the booking limit status information. AVH Status - Creates and sends restriction messages for the four GDS hosts. This allows for business continuity in case connectivity is lost between the GDS host and the OPERA database. Performance Counter - Measures performance. Performance Monitor - Monitors the process time. Reservation Fail - Lists all bookings that were not processed via Type B (Type B rejects). Ping Status - Displays the Ping Status information. ErrorNotif Status - Used to monitor messages for the ADS interface. It allows a user to search for messages with a status of "error" or "warning" and investigate what the issue is. Rate Status - The ACK and NACK responses received from the ADS partner are logged for rate update messages. |
2C Service Machine |
This is applicable for the Pegasus interface only. Enter the entire machine name. |
When you have entered all of the information, select the Next > button.
See Also |