Channel Restrictions for ADS-Expedia
Use the Channel Restrictions Conversion screen to map OPERA restriction types to the GDS/ADS equivalent.
Select System Configuration > Channels > Channel Restrictions to access the Channel Restrictions Conversion screen. Select the New or Edit buttons to open the Restriction Type mapping screen. Select the Restriction Type used in OPERA, then the associated Channel Restriction Type from the list of values. The Channel Restriction Type list of values is predefined according to the Switch specifications. Specify a begin date for when this restriction is to take effect and enter an end date. Refer to the standard OPERA documentation for additional information on creating new or editing existing channel restrictions.
Expedia Supported Channel Restrictions
The following channel restrictions are supported by Expedia:
- Open: Contains no restrictions.
- Closed: A close status can represent a full closure where no new reservations (unless forced) are possible for the specified period and rate plan/tier.
- Closed to Departure: Typically defined as a restriction allowing a guest to arrive but not depart on a particular day. Stay through is also allowed. For example, if a particular day is closed for departure the guest cannot depart on that day regardless of the total number of nights stayed.
- Closed to Arrival: Closed to arrival is typically defined as a restriction allowing a guest to depart but not arrive on a particular day. Stay through is also allowed. For example, if a particular day is closed to arrival a guest cannot arrive on that day regardless of the total number of nights stayed.
- Min Length of Stay: Normally, a length of stay restriction allows reservations for a particular day/date range only if the number of nights booked satisfies the minimum and/or maximum number defined in the system. For example, a reservation manager may allow a guest to arrive on a particular day only if the total stay is 3 nights or more. This would represent a minimum length of stay restriction of 3.
- Max Length of Stay: Normally, a length of stay restriction allows reservations for a particular day/date range only if the number of nights booked satisfies the minimum and/or maximum number defined in the system. For example, a reservation manager may allow a guest to arrive on a particular day only if the total stay is 31 nights or less. This would represent a maximum length of stay restriction of 3.
- Min Stay Through: A stay through restriction can be defined as not allowing arrivals or departures for a particular day while still allowing a guest to stay through. For example, if the minimum stay through for a particular day is 3, then any guest whose stay includes that day must stay at least 3 nights.
- Max Stay Through: A stay through restriction can be defined as not allowing arrivals or departures for a particular day while still allowing a guest to stay through. For example, if the maximum stay through for a particular day is 31, then any guest whose stay includes that day must stay up to 31 nights.
Channel Restrictions Not Supported by Expedia
Advance Purchase Restrictions are not supported by Expedia.
Important: If the client has Advanced Purchase restrictions in place, they must remove these PRIOR TO INITIATING activation of the ARI portion of the OPERA ADS interface.