OEDS Windows Services for the ARI Interface
The following OEDS Windows Services must be running for ARI. Only the services listed below are required.
- GWIZ (AVSTAT) - This service creates and sends restriction messages with the purpose of maintaining the hotel database at the four GDS hosts. This allows for business continuity in case of a loss of connectivity between the GDS host and the OPERA database.
- GWIZ Business Event Processor - This service works in conjunction with OPERA’s business event processor. It manipulates data for automated Restriction and Rate update message sending. Multiple copies of the GWIZ Business Event service can be installed on different OEDS servers to provide a fail-over capability to continuous processing of channel Business Events. What this means is that the service may now be started in the same enterprise without a detrimental effect on the servers or databases they are started on. After starting all of the required services on one machine, start all of the required services on the second machine. The first machine processes the business events until there is an issue. When an issue is detected, the second machine will begin to dequeue the business events. As part of this functionality, a new application setting has been added to the OEDS GROUP named Business Event Wait Time. This setting establishes the frequency that the services on the second machine will check to see if there are issues with the first machine. By default, this value is set to 60 minutes. When an issue is detected with the first machine, the service on the second machine will begin to process the Business Events.
- GWIZ Rate Update Service - This service processes data after the GWIZ Business Event Processor has fetched data required to build Rate Update messages.
- MICROS ADS Avh Bridge - This service reads restriction data generated by OPERA. It formats and sends the message to its destination at the ADS host.
- MICROS ADS Booking Limit This service sends inventory status messages. It is a Windows .NET Service that wakes up specific interval (specified in the configuration file; generally every 6 hours) and prepares booking notification messages. The booking notification is sent for all properties setup for an ADS channel in Channel Management, where the ARI enabled check box is selected.
- MICROS ADS Ping - This service allows for communication between OPERA and an ADS partner, and it is constantly monitored. The ADS partner sends inbound Pings, while OPERA sends outbound Pings. These pings are based on the OTA specifications, which allow for third party travel partners to communicate with each other.
- MICROS ADS ARI Resend - This service is a Windows .NET Service that wakes up at specific intervals. For each message sent to the ADS partner (Rate, Availability, Booking Limit, etc.), the ADS partner responds with an ACK, NACK, or NOACK immediately. If the message is processed, the ADS partner responds with an error or success message. The MICROS ADS Resend Service reprocesses and resends messages if the ADS partner responds to the original message with certain error codes (4201, 4000, 5000, 6000), or after receiving an ACK from Expedia with no associated error or success message.
- MICROS ARI Retry - This service is a Windows .NET Service that wakes up at specific intervals. For each message sent to the ADS host (Rate, Availability, Booking Limit, etc.), the host responds with an ACK, NACK, or NOACK immediately. If the message is processed, the ADS host responds with an error or success message. The MICROS ARI Retry service retries to send messages to the ADS host if the host responds to the original message with certain error codes (4201, 4000, 5000, 6000), or after receiving an ACK from the host with no associated error or success message.
- OPERA Access Point-Utility - This service monitors the time taken for message requests from any online Channel and inserts or deletes this information in the RequestLog.xml file (The file directory can be specified in the OEDS wizard.) To track the time taken to process incoming message requests, users can search for the messages using the search fields on the Setup>System Configuration>Channels>Monitoring>OEDS Request Log Summary screen. Based on the ReqLogInsIntervalInMinutes interval that is set (this interval can be specified in the OEDS Configuration Editor), the service inserts records in the oeds_request_log table and deletes records from the RequestLog.xml file. Every hour, the service summarizes two-hour prior records from the oeds_request_log table and inserts them into the oeds_request_log_summary table.
- OPERA Access Point-LOV – In addition to processing OWS LOV message requests from WEB channels, this service also processes inbound ping requests from the ADS partner to maintain communication between the ADS partner and OPERA. This service also processes error message responses sent by the ADS ARI vendor.