
ORS Component Room Suites and PMS Component Room Environment

Component Room functionality can be handled in PMS without interfacing with ORS or it can be handled in a combined ORS and PMS environment. This topic consolidates information related to a combined ORS and PMS environment where inventory is shared and updated between the two systems through an OXI interface.


Component Room Suite - For ORS purposes, when speaking of a configured room type comprised of two or more room types, we call it a Component Room Suite. The Component Room Suite is a configured room type that is made up of multiple inter- connecting rooms, each room defined as component room type. When a reservation is made for a Component Room Suite, OPERA deducts one room from the Component Room Suite room type, as well as one room from the Component Room Suite's component room types.

Virtual Suite - Virtual Suite functionality is available for configuration and operation in ORS - in an ORS and PMS-combined environment.  In ORS, the multiple room types are linked together to form a Virtual Suite room type via the Components button on the room type configuration screen. Once room types have been linked together for the Virtual Suite room type, the Components check box on the room type configuration screen is automatically checked, indicating this is a Virtual Suite. To enable Virtual Suite functionality for use in a centrally managed environment, set the Reservations > Component Verification application parameter (visible in PMS only) to N. When the parameter is set to N, component room inventory is accounted for at the Room Type level. Inventory is viewed and maintained in both PMS and ORS systems. Refer below for Preliminary Setup and Overview of Virtual Suites Setup for ORS and PMS.

Preliminary Setup

To enable Component Room and Virtual Suite functionality and to ensure compatibility between ORS and PMS, the following application settings must be set:

Overview of Component Room Suite Setup for ORS and PMS

The same Component Room Suite can be set up for both ORS and PMS. When the component room is booked either through ORS or PMS, the correct component room quantities automatically refresh for viewing and for further booking in both ORS and PMS databases. The reservation and availability match in both systems.

When configuring component rooms for use with both ORS and PMS, ensure the link between ORS and the PMS property is established (Configuration > Setup > External Database Setup).

  1. 1. In ORS, create Component Room room types using the template, in Configuration > Reservations > Room Classifications > Room Types.
  2. Copy these new component room types into the desired property in ORS and enter the number of rooms for each type.
  3. To configure the Virtual Suite, select the Component button and provide the desired rooms to create one Virtual Suite.
  4. Enter the total number of rooms (ORS will automatically create dummy rooms and related links).
  5. In PMS, follow steps 1-4 for the desired property. The Room Type should be the same as in ORS or else mappings are required.
  6. In PMS, the number of rooms will be disabled so you need to configure the linked rooms from the Room menu.

ORS Steps for Virtual Suite Configuration

PMS Steps for Component Room Configuration

Refer to Preliminary Setup and perform those required steps.

Reservation Flow

Book a Reservation in ORS for a Virtual Suite

Example: On the ORS Sales Screen/Rate Availability screen, the inventory listed for the three component room types (1RXS, 2RFD, and 3LFB) comprising the Virtual Suite, and the Virtual Suite room type itself (4SUITE), contain the same amount of inventory, i.e. 16.

Book a Reservation in PMS for a Component Room

Example: On the Rate Query Details screen, the inventory for the component room types comprising the Component Room (1RXS, 2RFD, and 3LFB), and the Component Room room type itself (4SUITE), contain the same inventory amount, i.e. 15.

See Also