ORS Utilization Report (ors_util with GENREPPAR.FMX)
The Utilization Report is used for viewing property usage and availability by blocks sold and picked up. This report can be used for forecasting availability for properties within the CRO. It shows rooms held in block and pick up by date range, property, source group, and by block group. In addition, for the same date range it displays individual reservations (number of rooms) and the waitlist space (number of rooms). For each day displayed in the report, the House level restriction that exists is displayed, if applicable.
The Source Group is displayed at the bottom of all blocks that use a source code from the same source group. This row also serves as the Total summary for the specific Source Group.
Property. Select the property or multiple properties you want to view.
From/To Date. Enter the date range you want to view (past and future).
Include Tentative. Select the checkbox if you want to include tentative reservations in the report.