Owner Arrivals and Checked in Today (ovos_arrchkinbyroom with INH1.FMX)
The Owner Arrivals and Checked In Today report provides an account of Owners and/or Auth. Users that are either arriving today or have checked in today. The information displayed on the report includes the owner/auth. user name, room number, the reservation status, the arrival and departure dates, the room type, the number of guests, and the payment method.
To access the report, select Miscellaneous > Reports, select the Ownership Group, and then select Owner Arrivals and Checked In Today.
Room Class. Available when the General > Room Class application function is set to Y and by default, all room classes are selected. If necessary, select a specific room class from the list of values to narrow the results.
Room Type. By default, all room types are selected. If necessary, select a specific room type from the list of values to narrow the results.
Pay Method. By default, all payment methods are selected. If necessary, select a specific payment method from the list of values to narrow the results.
No Post Flag. By default, all no post flags are selected. If necessary, select a with or without no post flags from the list of values to narrow the results.
Membership Type. By default, all membership types are selected. If necessary, select a membership type from the list of values to narrow the results.
VIP Only. Available when the Profiles > VIP application function is set to Y, select this checkbox to only include VIP owners/auth. users on the report.
Pseudo Rooms. Select this check box to include pseudo rooms on the report.
Individual. Select this check box to include individual reservations.
Block Code. Select this check box to include block code reservations.
Preferences. Select this check box to include preferences.
Revenue. Select this check box to display revenue.
Notes. Select to display a multi-select LOV and choose the types of notes to display on the report. Leaving this multi-select LOV will display all note types that are attached to the owner arrivals and that checked in.
Include Internal Notes. Displayed when the Notes check box is selected, select this check box to include any internal notes in the report.
Names. Select this check box to display guest names.
Share Names. Available when the Reservations > Shares application function is set to Y, select this check box to display share names.
Accompanying Names. Available when the Reservations > Accompanying Guests application function is set to Y, select to display names of accompanying guests who are associated with owner reservations.
Alternate Name. When the General > Alternate Names application function is set to Y, select to include the alternate name of the owners.
Sort Order. Select the sort order. The options are: