
Owner Revenue Deductions (ovos_deductions with GENREPPAR.FMX)

The Owner Revenue report provides an overview of owner revenue and deductions. The report displays any monies generated from room stays and any fees/associated costs. In addition, the report displays any hotel revenue. You may generate the report in summary or detail format.

Note: For use in determining the revenue and deduction calculations, R and D record types are used internally in OPERA to distinguish these. But, when the OWNERSHIP > REVENUE POOLING application function is set to Y and the revenue or deductions transactions are part of a revenue pool, then these record types would appear as TR and TD internally. The T is placed in front of the original record type to signify that the record type is part of a revenue pool environment.

To access the report, select Miscellaneous > Reports, select the Ownership Group, and then select Owner Revenue Deductions. A prompt appears, allowing you to enter the selection criteria.

Detail. Select this check box to generate the report in detail format. In the Details format, the Revenue, description of the deductions that were applied to the reservation, and the types of revenue elements (formulas) that were applied to both the owner and hotel are displayed.

Report Details

Conf. No. Confirmation number for the reservation.

Room. Unit/room number that the reservation was assigned to.

Name. Name of the guest associated to the reservation.

Arrival. Arrival date for the reservation.

Departure. Departure date for the reservation.

Total Rev. Summary of the total revenue accumulated from the reservation. This total includes the Owner and Hotel revenue before any deductions have been subtracted out.

Total Ded. Total amount of deductions, for example access fees or marketing fees that have been accrued for the reservation.

Rev to Split. Total amount of revenue from the reservation to be split between the owner and the hotel. This value is calculated by subtracting the Total Ded column from the Total Rev column.

Own. Rev. Total revenue accrued from the reservation by the owner based on the terms set by the contract for the unit/units. This amount is calculated by taking the Revenue to Split - Hotel Revenue.

Hotel Rev. Total revenue accrued from the reservation by the hotel based on the terms set by the contract for the unit/units. This amount is calculated by taking the Revenue to Split - Owner Revenue.