Unapplying Invoices
To unapply payments made to an invoice on today's business date, highlight the invoice to which the payments were applied and select the Unapply button from the Account Maintenance screen right-click Quick Menu. The Unapply screen appears.
Select the payments to unapply. If you are unapplying one payment, you can highlight that payment then select the Unapply button. To unapply two or more payments, click in the X column to mark the payments you want to unapply, then select the Unapply button. To unapply all payments listed on the Unapply screen, select the Unapply All button.
The following fields are available on this screen:
X. An X in this column indicates that the payment is selected to be unapplied. Click in the X column to select the record. Or you can select the record by highlighting it and pressing the spacebar. If you are choosing only one record for a function, you can simply highlight the record without placing an X in this column.
Invoice. The number of the invoice to which the payment was applied, if applicable.
Type. How the payment was entered into the OPERA system. (O = Old Balance Entry; P = Posting; CO = Check Out; ECO = Early Check Out).
Transaction Code. The transaction code for the payment method.
Description. Description of the payment method transaction code.
Posting Date. The date when the payment was posted.
Amount. The amount of the payment.
Applied Amount. The amount of the payment applied to the current invoice. (The payment may have been split between invoices, with only part being applied to the current invoice.)
Reference. Reference information for this payment. The credit card number appears here if a credit card was used for payment.
Once unapplied from the current invoice, the payment can be applied to another invoice, left as an unallocated payment, or transferred to another account.
See Also