
Rotation Points Calculation

Rotation points are calculated and assigned to a unit by using a rotation formula that is based on a combination of unique elements. The formula may take a variety of factors into consideration, including the number of times the unit has been rented, the revenue generated by the unit, a randomly-assigned “baseline” points score, and additional “offset” rotation points apportioned by the contract in effect.

Important Note: Typically, only reservations for rental (non-owner) units are considered when rotation points are calculated. By including only rental reservations in the calculation, you can ensure that owners staying in their own units accumulate sufficient points to place these units competitively in the rotation sequence, without having to apply a multiplier to the unit.

OVOS uses the rotation points formula to recalculate rotation points scores for all eligible units every time the available rooms list is displayed. The lower the rotation points score a unit has, the higher on the available rooms list it appears.

Note: Be aware that rotation points are based on actual stays. That is, rotation points are not accrued by a unit until the guest checks out from that unit. In-house and future reservations are not considered. But when the Ownership > Forecast Rotation Points application function is set to Y, the property can determine the rotation points based on future availability/reservations.

When OVOS generates an available rooms list, it determines eligible units by considering these factors:

Refer to the following scenarios for examples of how the rotation points system works.

Room Type Rotation Scenarios

Below are three scenarios to help you better understand the room type rotation functionality and how points are calculated.

Scenario 1

In this scenario, three reservations are made for units that are all in the same room type:

In this scenario, OVOS calculates the total rotation points for each of the three units as 200, and each unit has an equal chance to be rented. The two guest reservations have the same rate (200). Because owner rentals are excluded from the rotation points calculation, the number of points allotted for the owner reservation are calculated using the total number of points for all rental units (400) divided by the total number of rental units (2), which equals 200.

Scenario 2

In this scenario, three reservations are made for units that are all in the same room type:

In this scenario, each of the two guest reservations have 150 and 250 points, respectively. Because owner rentals are excluded from the rotation points calculation, the number of points allotted for the owner reservation is 200 (which is in the middle of the rotation sequence). This is calculated using the total number of points for all rental units (400) divided by the total number of rental units (2), which equals 200.

Rotation Point Calculations with Open and Closed Folios

The below scenarios explain how OPERA handles rotation point calculations with open and closed folios.

Scenario 1

You check out a reservation with an open folio. OPERA then calculates and records the Rotation Points.

On the same business day, you make a revenue adjustment to the folio with transaction codes configured as an Owner Rotation Transaction Code.

You close the folio. OPERA recalculates and revises the Rotation Points and records them.

Scenario 2

You check out a reservation with a closed folio. OPERA then calculates and records the Rotation Points.

On the same business day, you reopen the folio and make a revenue adjustment to it with transaction codes configured as an Owner Rotation Transaction Code.

You close the folio. OPERA recalculates and revises the rotation points and records them.

See Also