OXI Component Suite Configuration
OXI Component Suite configuration requires the use of the OXI TRACE WARNING parameter (OXI_RESERVATIONS>TRACE_ROOM_ASSIGNMENT) when reservations are sent to OPERA from the external system. This parameter controls the generation of traces for reservations sent from the external system, contingent upon the value of the AUTO ASSIGN parameter (YES or NO). The configuration options for OXI TRACE WARNING will behave as explained in the following sections.
Auto Assign Parameter = YES / OXI Trace Parameter = ALWAYS
When a composite reservation is sent from MARSHA and created in OPERA, a room number is assigned, according to room number sequence associated with the composite room number in configuration at the time the reservation is created in OPERA and a trace generated indicating that the room number was successfully assigned.
Auto Assign Parameter = YES / OXI Trace Parameter = NO ROOM
When a composite reservation is sent from MARSHA and created in OPERA, a room number cannot be assigned and a trace is created to the user defined department with the trace date equaling the business date that the reservation was made for and indicating that the room number could not be assigned.
Auto Assign Parameter = YES / OXI Trace Parameter = NEVER
When a composite reservation is sent from MARSHA and created in OPERA the reservation is created with a room number, if available, and no trace is generated.