Packaged Event Revenue
The Packaged Event Revenue screen appears when you select the Edit button from the Attached Catering Packages screen.
This screen allows you to make changes to the components (revenue) of the package.
Event. The Event name. If multiple revenue types are attached to this Event type, one record per revenue type will appear in the grid, repeating the Event .
Type. The Event type.
Start Date and Time. Event start date and time.
End Time. Event end time.
Revenue Type. Event Revenue type.
Forecast. Forecast Revenues associated with the selected package.
Revenue Split. The sales price of the selected component.
Cost Split. The selling price of the selected component.
Add Pkg. Open the Select Catering Package screen again in order to allow the selection of additional packages for the current Business Block.
Add Rev. Allows the entry of an additional revenue type record for one of the existing Event types. Details that need to be entered are: Event Name (a pick box shows the list of the currently attached events), Revenue Type, Forecast, Revenue Split and Cost Split.
Delete Rev. Delete the currently highlighted revenue split record.
See Also