
Print Interim Reports

The Application Settings > End of Day > Audit (During the Night Audit, Force the Validation of Transaction Code Totals) parameter must be set to Y for OPERA to print Interim Reports. OPERA generates the selected interim reports and prepares them for the Income Auditor as established in End of Day Routine Setup. Use these Interim Reports with the Income Audit feature to make corrections, adjustments, and postings to guest folios as necessary.

If the property is not using the Income Audit, the auditor can now close the business date and print final reports.

If the property uses the Income Audit, the Interim reports are then run after the procedures. These reports will be referenced to when the income auditor makes adjustments and new charges.

It is suggested that the interim reports include the Preliminary Manager's Report, Preliminary Trial Balance, and Preliminary Journal by Transaction Code.

The interim reports will be in the Income Audit reports group and are ordered in System Configuration > Setup > Night Audit Sequence.

Verifying Interim Reports

Select the Interim Reports menu option. The preset interim reports to be run are marked as active. Check (activate) or un-check (deactivate) the final reports you want to run for this business day. Changes made here are temporary and will not be saved. See the separate Reports document on the distribution CD for a description of and contents for each report.

Print Final Reports

The END OF DAY > AUDIT application parameter must be active for OPERA to generate the selected final reports and prepare them for printing on the default End of Day Routine printer established in Setup.

The Final Reports status page is view only. It displays the names and status of all the reports that have run.

Once the final reports have been processed and prepared for printing, the End of Day Routine process is complete. Select the OK button.

OPERA then prompts you to close the End of Day Routine cashier. Select Yes.

The cashier's drawer and over/short calculation displays. Select OK. Typically, you will see room charges by each currency, package charges and adjustments, tax charges and adjustments, and package profit/losses, if any. To see the details of a specific charge, highlight the line item and press the Details button.

The cashier's cash drop and any over/short amount displays next. Select OK.

OPERA will then post a caution note about checking the shift drip amount and whether the balance is okay. Select Yes. If you select No, you will return to the cash drop report.

OPERA prompts you to print the cashier's report. Select Yes or No. In either case, OPERA indicates that the cashier has now been closed. Choose OK.

If your property does not use Income Audit, OPERA will then prompt you to Close the Business Date. If everything is to your satisfaction, select Yes. This closes the books on the selected business date and OPERA automatically shuts down. To keep the business date open, select No.

Note: If your property is running Income Audit, the Close button to close the business day will not display. You will close the business day through the Income Audit menu.

If your property is running Income Audit, OPERA warns you with the number of open business dates. A maximum of 5 open business dates can be open at any time. For instance, when there is one open business audit, a warning message displays that says, There is currently 1 open date. A maximum of 5 audits can be open at the same time.