
Production Changes Revenue Screen


BB ID. System generated Business Block ID number.  When you choose not to search on a specific ID number in the search criteria you are able to view all Revenue Changes made to all Business. Blocks.

Change Date. The date the change was made.

Stay Date. The stay date for record that had a change made.

Room Night. The total number of room nights added  to (a positive number) or subtracted from (a negative number) the Room Grid for that Stay Date.

Room Revenue. The total room revenue added to (a positive number) or subtracted from (a negative number) the Room Grid for that Stay Date.

Status. The status of the Rooms section pertaining to the Room Grid.

Owner. The user name of the main Business Block Owner.

Rms. The user name of the Rooms section Owner.

Cat.  The user name of the Catering section Owner.