
Property Overview (property_overview)

This report displays Daily Statistics (Today, Yesterday, and MTD), Weekly Forecast (Arrival Rooms, Departure Rooms, Total Rooms, ADR, and Occupancy), and Arrival information (VIP, Membership Type, and Specials with Title, Name, Arrival, Departure, Room Type, Room #, Rate, and Arrival Time).

Selection Criteria


VIP. Multi-select LOV for filtering on reservations that have a VIP code attached to the Primary Profile.

Membership Type. Multi-select LOV for filtering on reservations with a specific membership type attached to the Reservation.

Specials. Multi-select LOV for filtering on reservations with a specific Special attached to the reservation.

Note: When a reservation has all three attributes attached (a VIP code, a Membership, and a Special), then the reservation will show within each of the sections of the report.

Report Details

Daily Statistics

Occupancy. Percentage of rooms occupied (Total Occupied Rooms / Number of Rooms in Property) x 100).

ADR. Average Daily Rate.

REVPAR. The revenue per available room (Total Room Revenue / Number of Rooms in Property).

Arrivals. The total reservation arrivals.

Departures. The total reservation departures.

In House Guests. Number of in-house guests.

Adults. Number of adult guests.

Children. Number of children.

House Use. House use rooms (rooms attached to reservations having a rate code that is flagged House Use).

Complimentary. Complimentary rooms (rooms attached to reservations having a rate code that is flagged Complimentary).

OOO. Number of rooms with an Out of Order status.

OOS. Number of rooms with an Out of Service status.

No-Show. No Show Rooms.

Weekly Forecast

Arrival Rms. Number of Arrival rooms.

Dep Rms. Number of Departure rooms

Total Rms. Total number of potentially occupied rooms (including Rooms allotted for a block that have not yet been picked up).

ADR. Average Daily Rate.

Occupancy. Percentage of rooms occupied.

Arrivals / In House / Departures

Title. Title for the profile, such as Sir, Mr., Ms., etc.

Name. The guest's name.

Arrival. Arrival date on the guest's reservation.

Departure. Departure date on the guest's reservation.

Room Type. Room type attached to the reservation.

Room No. The guest's room number.

Rate. Room rate associated with the guest's reservation.

Arr Time. Arrival time on the guest's reservation.

Dep Time. Departure time on the guest's reservation.