Rate Adjustments
To set the rate yield adjustments for a rate detail, select the Adjustments button from the Rate Detail tab on the Rate Setup screen. (To access the Rate Setup screen, select System Configuration > Rate management > Rate Classifications > Rate Codes.) The Rate Set Adjustments screen appears.
The screen shows the following information:
Adjustment Type. Yield adjustments can be set by Stay, by Night, by Person/Night, by Person/Stay or for All applications of the rate. Select the option button at the top of the screen to view or edit rate adjustments in any of these adjustment type categories.
Code. Yield adjustment code that applies to this rate adjustment. (To set up yield adjustment codes, select System Configuration>Rate Management>Yield>Adjustment Codes.)
Description. Description of the rate yield adjustment code.
Amount. Amount of the rate yield adjustment.
Adjusted. An N in this column means that the adjustment amount set for the yield adjustment code has not been varied for this rate. Y indicates that the adjustment amount has been changed for this rate adjustment.
Select the option button for the Adjustment Type you want to add; or select the All option button to choose from all available rate yield adjustment codes. Then select the New button. The Rate Set Adjustments - Add screen appears. This screen lists the available yield adjustment codes. Place an X next to the codes to add and select the OK button. The yield adjustment codes you selected will appear on the Rate Set Adjustments screen.
To change the Amount, highlight your choice and select the Edit button. The Rate Set Adjustments - Edit screen appears. Only the Amount field can be edited on this screen. Make your changes and select the OK button.
See Also