Rate Buckets
Select Configuration>Rate Management>Yield>Rate Buckets to display the Rate Buckets screen.
Note: Yield rate bucket functionality is not available with the OPP_IDEA PMS yield management add-on license.
The required rate buckets will be specified by your yield management system. Values configured here can be entered into the Rate Header screen Rate Bucket field to categorize types of rate codes.
The screen lists the rate buckets that have been set up for the property.
Note: OPERA will not allow you to delete a rate bucket if it is associated with a rate code.
Property. Available when the OPP_MHOT Multi-property add-on license is active. Select the down arrow to choose the property to search for rate buckets.
Rate Bucket. Select the down arrow and choose the rate bucket to search.
The grid shows the following information for each rate bucket:
Rate Bucket. Code that identifies the rate bucket.
Description. Description of the rate bucket.
To create a new rate bucket, select the New button. To edit information for an existing rate bucket, highlight your choice and select the Edit button. The Rate Bucket New screen or the Rate Bucket - Edit screen appears.
Rate Bucket. Rate bucket code.
Description. Description of the rate bucket.
See Also