The Cancellation Summary report only displays when the OPS <version number> Sales & Catering license code is active. The main purpose of this report is to show all groups canceled or lost for a specific cancellation date range or a specific arrival date. It can be filtered and/or sorted by cancellation reason or destination ‘Lost to’ and therefore represents an excellent tool to pinpoint possible weaknesses or disadvantages that the hotel might have in their groups or catering operations.
Note: This report requires that the user be granted the BLOCK PRINT permission in the selected property to run the report. Also, the Property LOV in this report is further limited by the properties to which the user has the appropriate access granted.
Cancellation Date Range (From Date/To Date). Allows the selection of a date range in which the booking room status or booking catering status was canceled.
Arrival Date Range (From Date/To Date). The arrival date range for bookings to view.
Sort Order. It is possible to sort the report by the following options: Cancellation Date, Arrival Date, Status, Rooms Owner, Catering Owner, Overall Owner, Rooms Cancellation Reason, Catering Cancellation Reason or Destination.
Page Break. It is possible to create a page break after the first sort option when the Page Break check box is checked.
Property. When the OPP_MHT2 Opera Property Management Multi-Property (Cross Reservations) add-on license is active, the Multi Select LOV for displaying an analysis for another property.
Bus-Block Status. Select a business block status. Typically a lost, canceled or refused status would be chosen here. By default, all statuses are selected.
Lost to Destination. Select destinations to which bookings were lost.
Lost to Property. Free form text entry field. Provide the name of the property or competitor brand business was lost to.
Reason. The choices available with this filter depend on your selections in the Bus-Block Status field. For example, if you select CAN in the Bus-Block Status field and this status code is configured with a Reason Type = Cancel, the values in the Reason filter will contain the Block Cancellation Reasons. If ALL is selected in the Bus-Block Status field and ALL is selected in the Reason field, all reasons that are configured for all business block statuses will display.
Catering Owner. Select the catering owner's initials.
Rooms Owner. Select the rooms owner's initials.
Overall Owner. Select an overall booking owners initials.
Business Block Type. Select catering only bookings, rooms only booking or all bookings.
Print Cancellation Comments. Select to print rooms cancellation comments only, catering cancellation comments only or both.
Include All Events. If checked all lost/canceled events are calculated into the lost catering revenue figures. If not checked, only those events that were canceled on the same day as the catering status on business block was changed to CAN will be calculated into the catering revenue figures. Events that were canceled prior (on a different date) to the catering status being CAN would therefore be excluded if the checkbox is flagged
Currency. Select the currency type in which to display revenue type values on this report.
The report lists the following booking data: account name, business block name, business block code, business block id, arrival date, departure date, current booking status and date the booking turned that status, rooms owner, catering owner, number of room nights, average rate, catering F&B revenue, catering other revenue, rooms revenue, total catering revenue and total revenue. Business block contact name, follow up date and the destination (lost to) are also listed.
When the application parameter Catering>USE FORECAST VALUE ONLY is set to Y, the F&B and Other Revenue calculations consider the 'Use Forecast Only' check box on the Event main screen.
Account information is displayed according to the following profile type hierarchy:
If a Company profile is attached to the business block, the Company profile name appears.
If a Company profile is not attached to the business block but a Travel Agent is attached, the Travel Agent profile name appears.
If neither a Company profile nor a Travel Agent profile is attached to the business block, and a Source profile is attached, the Source profile name appears.
Room revenue on this report is as entered on the business block, not taking into account taxes or packages that might be included in the booked rate. Catering revenue is calculated downwards cascading, meaning if there is actual revenue, actual revenue will print, if there is no actual, guaranteed revenue will be checked and printed if existing. If no guaranteed revenue is found, expected revenue will be checked and printed. If there is no expected revenue, forecasted revenue will be printed.
If only the rooms part of a booking is canceled, but catering stays on production status, the booking will appear on the report, but only the room night and room revenue figures will be shown as canceled.
If only the catering part of a booking is canceled, but rooms are still active, only the catering figures will be shown as canceled on the report.
If only some events are canceled, but the catering status of the booking is still active, the booking will not appear at all on the report.
The last page of the report summarizes the following data by business block status: Room nights, room revenue, catering F&B revenue, catering other revenue, total catering revenue and total revenue.
It is possible to print the report for statuses other than the return-to-inventory statuses, but no revenue will be printed in that case (as no revenue was lost if the booking is not lost or canceled).