

The Daily Analysis report only displays when the OPS <version number> Sales & Catering license code is active. This is a production report that allows the grouping of produced room nights and revenue by stay date group. The grouping would typically be done by week, but allows for any date entry.

Weekend days must be defined in the filter and the report will calculate the weekend and weekday figures separately for each defined group.

Note: This report requires that the user be granted the BLOCK PRINT permission in the selected property to run the report. Also, the Property LOV in this report is further limited by the properties to which the user has the appropriate access granted.

Selection Criteria

Property. Available when the OPS_MHT2 license is active; choose the property for which the report should be printed.

Arrival Period. This date range defines actually the stay date range that the report should be calculated for. Stay dates are classifies as booking days that fall in between the arrival and the departure date of a booking. If, for example a booking arrived at the 28.December 2004 and departed on the 04.January 2005, the report would only calculate the produced room night and revenues for this booking for the 28, 29, 30 and 31. December 2004 if the selected Stay Date Range was 01-January-2004 to 31-December-2004.

Depending on if a hotel is configured to use fiscal periods or calendar months, the LOVs will show the predefined periods. It is possible to run the report over several stay date periods. The dates grouping that is defines the later part of the report filter is applicable within each selected period; i.e., if September, October and November 2003 were selected as stay date ranges and grouping was defined as 1-7, 8-14, 15-21, 22-28 and 29-31 these grouping would be done for dates within September, again within October and one more time for November.

Production Period. Defines the date range for which booking changes should be recorded. Each change that is done to a booking status, or booking room nights and revenue, is recorded in a specific production change log. The Production Date Range filter will scan the entries in this production change log to search for any booking changes that fall under the other criteria that have been selected on the filter form. By the nature of this date range filter, only dates in the past are valid entries, because there cannot be any entries in the booking change log after the current business date. To illustrate the above: A booking that gets created on status TEN in April 2003 with Stay Dates in October 2003 can turn to status DEF in June 2003. In the above scenario there would be two entries in the change log for this booking, one for the creation of the booking on status TEN in production period April 2003 and one for the status change to DEF in June 2003.

Business Block Status. Defines for which status the change log entries should be searched. Typically would the designated ‘credit status’ of the hotel, mostly this would be a ‘DEFINITE’ status. If multiple statuses are selected in this filter a summary of booking changes of all selected statuses will be calculated, not a separate section for each status.

Choose Date Ranges

Group 1 - 5. Allows to group dates within each stay date period. Typically this would be done by calendar week. I.e. Group 1 = 1 to 7 , Group 2 = 8 to 14, Group 3 = 15 to 21, Group 4 = 22 to 28 and Group 5 = 29 to 31.

Weekend Days. Allows the designation of days as Weekend. This could be Saturday and Sunday or Friday and Saturday or even Friday, Saturday and Sunday – depending on what a hotel counts as weekend. The report will calculate separate figured for the weekend days ( a total for all defined weekend days) and weekday days within each selected group. It is mandatory that at least one weekend day be defined.

Business Block Origin. Select the down arrow to choose from the following (available values depend on the active modules and licenses):

Report Data

The report body prints in sections for each selected stay date period. Within each stay date period one row per configured group is printed. The produced number of room nights, revenue and average rate is calculated. Separate figures are calculated within each group for the weekend and the weekday stay dates. After printing all section for the selected stay- date period, one summary section, also divided into the same day groups will print at the end of the report

The revenue in this report is taken from the change log as it has been entered into the room grid. If taxes or packages are included in the rate, those are not calculated out. If the report is ordered for status ACTUAL, the picked-up rooms are taken as well as the NET picked-up revenue and average rate.