
Catering Current vs Actual Report (REP_EV_COMPARISON.REP with REP_EV_COMPARISON.FMX)

This report allows a comparison of booked group room nights, revenue and covers versus picked-up group room nights, revenue and covers for actual bookings. The comparison is done separately booking by booking and a summary printed by selected main group of the report, which could be catering owner, rooms owner, arrival date or departure date.

As it can be printed for specific accounts only, or for specific sales managers, it is a good tool to investigate booking patterns and possible operational weaknesses, as well as alert sales managers to booking patterns that might cause concern i.e. if certain accounts always consume far more or less than was originally booked.

Note: This report requires that the user be granted the EVENT PRINT permission in the selected property to run the report. Also, the Property LOV in this report is further limited by the properties to which the user has the appropriate access granted.

Selection Criteria

Property. Available when OPS_MHT2 license is active. Choose the property for which the report should be printed.

Arrival Date Range. Enter a date range between which Business Blocks have an arrival date pending. If Arrival Dates are entered and Event Dates are not, this report is filtered on the Business Block Arrival Date and the revenue for all ACT (Actual) events is calculated.

Event Date Range. Enter a date range for the selected Business Blocks to only include revenues for Events in the selected Event Date Range. If Event Dates are entered and Arrival Dates are not, this report will filter for all ACT Events with a Start Date in that range (summarized by Business Block).

Owner (Rooms/Catering). Select specific rooms and/or catering owners

Block Type (All/Catering Only/Rooms with Catering). If Catering Only is selected, only events from Business Blocks with the Catering Only check box selected will be included. If Rooms with Catering is selected, only events from Business Blocks with the Catering Only check box not selected will be included. If All is selected, events will not be filtered by the Catering Only check box on the Business Block.

Accounts. Select specific accounts to filter the report.

Business Block. Select specific business blocks to filter the report.

Note: When selecting a Master Block ID in the Bus.Block filter, OPERA will also include the Sub Block IDs linked to that Master. The report will then print all Events linked to the Master and its Sub Blocks. If a Sub Block ID is selected, only Events linked to that Sub Block will be printed.

Sort Order. The report can be sorted by: Arrival Date, Departure Date, Sales Manager or Catering Manager. The first sort order acts automatically also as grouping for the report.

Event Type for Avg Check. Choose event types that should be included in the average check calculation. If the average check is used for F&B purposes, this would typically only be those event types that include food and beverage servings (e.g., Lunch, Dinner) and not event types like SETUP that generate generally only function space revenue, if at all.

BB Status for Exp Rev. Used to calculate the Expected Revenue. When a value is selected, the Current Catering Revenue is calculated according to the date that the Business Block Status turned to the selected Status. For example, if DEF is selected, the date when the Business Block Status turned to DEF is determined and all catering production is calculated as of that Date. If no status is selected, the Current Catering Revenue is calculated based on the current values of the Expected Revenue for events in an Actual status.

Note: If the report is run using the BB Status for Exp Rev filter, events that were active when the business block was turned to that status will be included in the current values, even if those events are now in a return to inventory status. They will not, however, be included in the actual numbers. They will be included only to show what the expected revenue was when the business block turned to the selected status.

Revenue Type 1 - 4. Choose up to four catering revenue types to print on this report. It is possible to combine catering revenue types into one column by selecting more than one type in any one line here. At least one type needs to be selected in order to process the report further.

Print Exclude from Forecast Event - Both/Yes/No. Select this option to either include or exclude certain events. When Both is selected all qualifying events will print. When Yes is selected, only events that have had the Exclude from Forecast Reports flag checked will print (the Exclude from Forecast Reports flag is accessible on the Events Screen Details tab). When No is selected only events that have NOT been marked as Exclude from Forecast Reports will print.

Report Data

For each booking the report will print the following data: account name, business block name, room owner initials, catering owner initials, business block id, arrival date, departure date.

Note: Accounts and contacts will use the following logic when printing on this report. If a Company profile is attached to the booking, then the Company profile will print. If no Company profile is attached, but an Agent profile is present, then the Agent profile will print. If no Company and no Agent profiles are attached, but a Source profile is present, then the Source profile will print.

Also per booking, in the first row, the booked number of room nights and room revenue are calculated for the entire business block. The catering revenue types, total and average check will print for each business block filtered by the event dates selected when generating the report.

This is followed by a second line of figures, which represent the pick-up/actual catering for the same business block.

The variance between booked and picked-up figures for the current booking is calculated underneath these two lines.

The report is sorted and grouped as defined on the report order form. A summary section will print after each group, containing the total booked figures for the group in the first row and the total picked-up figures for the group in the second line. The variance in percentage follows on the third line, and the variance total in the fourth.

Room revenue figures on this report print as entered into the grid. Taxes and packages, if included, are not calculated out. The pick-up room revenue however is calculated net of any taxes and packages. Catering covers are calculated only from those events that have been selected on the report order form for inclusion. Catering revenues that are compared are the expected revenue for the Current row versus the actual / billed revenue in the Actual row.