Posted Event Revenue Report (rep_posted_event_revenue with rep_posted_event_revenue.fmx)
The Posted Event Revenue report provides hotels with a view of Expected, Guaranteed, Billed and Posted Event Revenue, listed by Event and Revenue Type within the selected time period. The report calculates and displays the variance difference between the Posted and Billed Revenue. To access this report, users must have the permission EVENT>EVENT PRINT> - Print Event Reports (SC_EVENT_PRINT).
This report is not available for selection from the OPERA Reports screen under the following conditions:
Select the filters for which you want report results. The only mandatory filters are either one Event Date range or Bus-Block ID.
Event Property. Select properties from the LOV for which the report should be printed. Available when the OPS_MHT2 multiple-property license is active.
Event Date
Either the Event Date range or the Bus-Block ID field is mandatory. Allows the selection of any event date range. When a user selects a date range, the events are reported by event date within the property.
From Date. Type or select the calendar button for the beginning date for the report results.
To Date. Type or select the calendar button for the ending date for the report results.
Bus-Block ID. Either the Event Date range or the Bus-Block ID field is mandatory. Selecting this LOV displays the Business Block search screen where you can select the Business Blocks desired. Select a single business block or a range of business blocks for which to run this report. When the user selects a Business Block ID, the events are sorted by date inside the block.
Event Type. Select the event types that should be included in the report. When this field is left empty, all of the event types will be considered.
Catering Mgr. It is possible to print the report for a specific catering manager or a range of catering managers. The report will rely on the catering manager initials that have been selected on the Booking Catering tab for this filter.
Event Status. Allows the selection of the event statuses that should be included. When this field is left empty, all the event statuses will be considered.
Revenue Type. Defines the catering revenue types to print. When this field is left empty, all the revenue types will be considered.
Currency. Select the currency in which the revenues on this report will be converted and display.
Events will be filtered by those attached to a booking with the selected owners as a catering owner, within the selected time period.
Event ID. Event ID of the event.
BB ID. Business Block ID of the event.
Event Start Date. Beginning date when the event will be held.
Rev Type. The category of revenue associated with the event, i.e. Food, Beverage, and so on.
Event Start Time. The time of day when the event will begin on the event date.
Expected. The amount of expected revenue for the revenue type during the course of the event.
Event Status. Identifies the current status of the event, i.e. whether it is Definite, Tentative, or Actualized.
Guaranteed. The amount of guaranteed revenue for the revenue type for the event.
Event Type. Name of the event, i.e. Breakfast, Meeting, and so on.
Billed. The amount of billed revenue for the revenue type for the event.
Space. The room or facility where the event is being held.
Posted. Indicates the amount that has been posted for the revenue type for the event.
Cat Owner. The catering manager/owner associated with the business block.
Var: Posted-Billed. The difference in revenue between the posted and billed revenues by revenue type.
Event Property. The property code where the event is being held.
Business Block Name. Description of the Business Block ID associated with the event.
Total for Event (Event ID). The total amount of revenue that was Expected, Guaranteed, Billed, and Posted. The total variance amount indicates the total variance between what was Posted and what was Billed for the event.