
Potential vs. Actual Summary (REP_POT_SUMMARY.REP with REP_POT_SUMMARY.FMX)

The Potential vs. Actual Summary report only displays when the OPS <version number> Sales & Catering or the OPF <version number> Sales Force Automation license code is active. This report summarizes actual vs potential room nights, rooms revenue and total revenues showing not only the variance between the two sets of figures, but also the variance percentage. The purpose of this report is to assist management in seeing, on one report, how potentials for a sales manager or several accounts are developing, as opposed to reviewing them individually.

Note: This report requires that the user be granted the BLOCK PRINT permission in the selected property to run the report. Also, the Property LOV in this report is further limited by the properties to which the user has the appropriate access granted.

Selection Criteria

Account. Select accounts to report on.

Potential. Select Potentials to report on. When an account is also selected, only those potential records that are linked to the selected accounts will display in the LOV.

Start Date From/To. Select a date range selection to include only potentials whose start date falls into the selected date range.

Mrkt.Region. This option filters the potentials by Marketing Region.

Actuals. This option also filters actuals by the selected Marketing Region when checked. This option is only available when a filter for the Mrkt.Region field has been set.

Mrkt.City. This option filters the Potentials by Marketing City.

Actuals. This option also filters actuals by the selected Marketing City when checked. This option is only available when a filter for the Mrkt.City field has been set.

Property. This option filters the Potentials by Property.

Actuals. This option also filters actuals by the selected Property when checked. This option is only available when a filter for the Property field has been set.

Owner. Select this option to filter the Potentials by Owner.

Forecast Type. Select one of the configured forecast types.

Actuals. Select either GROUP, NON-GROUP, or BOTH. If the Forecast check box is selected on a potential, GROUP will calculate only group actual figures from business blocks that are attached to the account of the potential. All group production will be calculated, not only group production of groups directly attached to the potential. NON_GROUP will calculate actuals from reservations that are attached to the potential's account and that are not attached to a business block. BOTH will calculate actuals from all reservations that are attached to the account of the potential, block and individual.

If the Forecast check box is not selected on a potential, GROUP will calculate only group actual figures from business blocks that are directly attached to the potential itself. Group revenue that is attached to the same account, but to another potential, or which is not attached to a potential at all will not be calculated. NON-GROUP will calculate actuals from reservations that are attached to the potential's account and that are not attached to a business block. BOTH will calculate actuals from all reservations that are attached to the account of the potential, block and individual.

Note: When the application parameter GENERAL>SPLIT POTENTIALS is active, the selected filter for Actuals will also filter the potential forecast records of the same value. The 'Both' option will summarize all existing potential records for the selected time period, including records that might not have been designated for group or non-group.

Rollup Sub-Account Statistics. Select this option to include the statistics of all the sub-accounts of the selected relationship into the Actuals calculation.

Relationship. (Only accessible if the Rollup Sub-Account Statistics flag is checked.) This field allows for the selection of a relationship type to calculate Sub-Account Statistics from. The only relationship types shown here are hierarchical.

Net/Gross. Select either option to show the actual figures as Net or as Gross figures.

Include legacy/Manual Statistics. Select this check-box to generate this report including any revenues that were manually added or that were migrated from a legacy system.

Report Data

This report prints three lines per potential. On line 1 are the Potential Name, Potential Owner, actual room nights, potential room nights, variance (potential-actual), variance % (variance*100/potential), actual room revenue, potential room revenue, variance (potential-actual), variance % (variance*100/potential), actual total revenue, potential total revenue, variance (potential-actual), variance % (variance*100/potential).

Line 2 contains the Company name (attached to potential), and the company name id.

Line 3 prints the Agent name (attached to potential) and the agent name id.