
Business Block Production Report (REP_PROD_CH.REP with REP_PROD_CH.FMX)

This production report calculates the room nights, revenue and average rate of all bookings that have been created on a specified status, which had their status changed to a specified status or which were on the specified status before the production period, but had changes done to their number of room nights or revenue in the production period. The figures are calculated and displayed on a booking-by-booking basis, which makes this report unique in the list of OPERA S&C Production reports (all other production reports show totals for the production period, not a breakdown per booking). It has several sort order options and also the possibility to get a summary by sales manager or other grouping at the end of the report.

Another unique feature of this report is the option to select a credit status. This means that bookings can be accounted for in the selected credit status even if they moved on to another status in the same production period. For example, if a booking becomes both DEFINITE and ACTUAL in the selected production period, and DEFINITE is selected as credit status, the booking will show up under the status section for both DEFINITE and ACTUAL, rather than just under ACTUAL, which would be the last status. This helps greatly in calculating Sales Managers incentives that are usually based on a defined credit status.

Note: This report requires that the user be granted the BLOCK PRINT permission in the selected property to run the report. Also, the Property LOV in this report is further limited by the properties to which the user has the appropriate access granted.

Selection Criteria

Stay Date From/To. The stay date range that should be covered in this report. If the Stay Date From is 01/01/2004 and the Stay Date To is 12/31/2004 and a booking exists that arrives on the 12/27/2003 and stays until the 01/15/04, only those room nights and revenues that pertain to the Stay Date Range of this booking in January 2004 ( 01st to 15th) will be included in this report.

Production Date From/To. Defines the date range for which booking changes should be recorded. Each change that is done to a booking status, or booking room nights and revenue, is recorded in a specific production change log. The Production Date Range filter will scan the entries in this production change log to search for any booking changes that fall under the other criteria that have been selected on the filter form. By the nature of this date range filter, only dates in the past are valid entries, because there cannot be any entries in the booking change log after the current business date. To illustrate the above: A booking that gets created on status TEN in April 2003 with Stay Dates in October 2003 can turn to status DEF in June 2003. In the above scenario there would be two entries in the change log for this booking, one for the creation of the booking on status TEN in production period April 2003 and one for the status change to DEF in June 2003.

If the production period is left blank on this report, the figures would automatically print for everything that has been produced for the selected stay date period ever. This is concurrent with the on-the-books figures for group rooms and revenue at the selected statuses at the time or printing the report.

Credit Status. Defines the status code that a booking should be recorded on in any case, irrespectively of if the booking is still on that status at the end of the production period or has moved on.

For example, a booking with 50 room nights turns DEF in April 2003. In May 2003 10 room nights are added to the booking. Still in May 2003 (i.e. some days after the room nights are added) the booking turns ACT. If no credit status is selected, the booking is on this report only included in the section for status ACTUAL as NEW ACT with a total of 60 room nights (the 50 original room nights plus the ones added in May). If the credit status is defined as DEF, the booking will show up twice on this report if it is ordered for production period May 2003. Once under the status section for DEF with 10 rooms (because 10 rooms were added while the booking was still on the credit status) and once on the section for ACT with 60 room nights. If the booking had turned DEF in May 2003 instead of in April 2003, it would again show up twice if the credit status was DEF. Once as NEW DEF with 60 room nights and once as NEW ACT, also with 60 room nights.

Source. Allows for the inclusion of only bookings with the specified source code.

Market Segm. Allows for the inclusion of only bookings with the specified market segments.

Rooms/Catering/Both. Allows for the inclusion of only bookings that have been flagged as Catering Only or only bookings that have NOT been flagged as Catering Only or both.

Block Origin. Business block origin. Select the down arrow to choose from the following (available values depend on the active modules and licenses):

New Statuses Only. If this flag is checked, only bookings that had a status change applied to them during the production date range will print. Bookings that only had changes done to their room nights or revenue will be omitted.

Sort By. Will sort the report by the option listed in first place on the sort by list. Available sort order options are: Status, Arrival Date, Sales Manager, Catering Manager, Business Block Name, Account Name and Market Segment.

Page Break. Will initiate a page break after each group as per the first sort order.

Summary. Will print a summary page by selected grouping at the end of the report.

Property. Available when the OPS_MHT2 license is active; choose the property for which the report should be printed.

Account Name. Multi-Select list of values. Select one, multiple or all available account names for this report.

Business Block Name. Multi-Select list of values. Select one, multiple or all available business block names for this report.

Business Block Status. Make sure that the Credit Status filter and the Business Block Status filter do not contradict each other. For instance, if the credit status is defined as DEF and the Business Block Statuses selected are INQ and TEN, nothing would be recorded under the credit status section, if DEF is a status that follows INQ or TEN in the status flow.

However, if the Business Block Status filter is used to select statuses DEF, CAN, ACT and DEF is the credit status, the report would correctly record those bookings in the credit status section that are either still on status DEF at the end of the production period, or that have moved through the status DEF into either status CAN or ACT in the same production period. So, if a business block status filter is used at all, it should only contain status codes that are either equal to the credit status or follow the credit status in the configured status flow.

Note: Room Night and Room Revenue Production will be adjusted off a Master Allocation once rooms are allocated to a Sub-Allocation.  For instance, if a Master Allocation blocks 100 rooms for 1 night, that block ads +100 rooms. When a Sub-Allocation is created from that Master, and takes 25 of those rooms, +25 is added to the Sub-Allocation and -25 is adjusted off the Master Allocation. This prevents OPERA from over counting production.

Room Sales Manager. Multi- Select list of values. Select one, several or all Rooms Sales Managers for this report.

Catering Manager. Multi-Select list of values. Select one, several or all Catering Managers for this report.

Report Data

The report will print one record for each booking that fits the filter criteria. The report is ordered by the sort order defined in filter options. The selected sort group header is printed above each section (i.e. status code, owner initial etc). Data printed for each booking includes account name, booking name, account owner, internal booking ID, rooms owner code, catering owner code, booking status and date the booking turned into that status. Booking arrival date, booking departure date and booking source. For each booking two rows of figures are recorded. The upper row shows the total number of room night, total average rate and total revenue of the booking at the end of the production period including the changes that have been made to this booking in the production period. The second row ONLY represents the changes that have been made to the booking room nights, average rate and revenue in the production period.

If the booking status was changed in the production period the field for status will have the word NEW in front of the status code. In this case the number of room nights, average rate and revenue will be the same in the total column as in the change column. A status change is always considered a roll-over of all existing room nights and revenues into the new status and therefore all room nights and revenue on the books at the end of the production period are considered changes within the production period.

If a credit status has been defined in the filter form, bookings that went through the credit status and into a follow on status of the credit status (or had changes done to them while on the credit status in the production period and then turned into a follow on status still in the same production period) will be reported twice on this report, once under the credit status and once under the last status of the booking.

Booking will not show more than twice though. If a possible status flow was TEN to DEF to ACT and a booking went through all three statuses in the same production period, it would only show for the credit status (if one has been defined) and the last status the booking is on at the end of the production period. If the credit status was equal to the last status of the booking, it would show only once.

The report will print a summary page for the defined main sort group if the appropriate flag has been checked on the filter form. It will show the total amount of CHANGES in room nights, revenue and average rate within the production period by selected main group. If the selected main group is not booking status, the changes are shown in separate rows per status for the selected main group. For example, if the main sort and group option is by Sales Manager, the most typical way of ordering this report, the total production changes by sales manager is sub-divided by production status.

Note: The Business Block Production Report (REP_PROD_CH) will report both Room Nights and Room Revenue based on actualized revenue for bookings that have been turned to ACTUAL.