Reservations with Rate Changes (res_rate_changes with RES18.FMX)
The Reservations with Rate Changes report provides visibility on guests with rate changes and allow the property to tailor their welcome letter and other information to address any additional amenities and packages that the guest is entitled to due to their rate change.
From Date. Select a From Date for Reservations whose date range falls within the selected dates.
To Date. Select a To Date for Reservations whose date range falls within the selected dates.
Arrival Dates. Displays Reservations with that Arrival Date or within the date range.
Stay Dates. Displays Reservations whose date range falls within the selected dates.
Room Class. Multi Select LOV for filtering on specific Room Classes. Room Classes may be configured to define groupings of Room Types that have some characteristics in common. The Room Class filter is only displayed when the General>Room Class application function is active.
Room Type. Multi Select LOV for filtering on specific Room Types. Only include those reservations that have the selected Room Types attached to the Reservation.
Reservations With
Rate Code Change. Select to display reservations that have a rate code change associated to it.
Rate Amount Change. Select to display reservations that have a rate amount change associated to it.
Checked-In Today/Departures. This Include check box changes filtering depending on whether you are running the report for Arrival Dates or Stay Dates.
When selecting to print by Arrival Dates, the Checked In Today checkbox displays. Output will include in its display those guests checked in today (Business date) as well as any reservations due to arrive within the date range specified.
When selecting to print by Stay Dates, the Departures checkbox displays. Output will include those guests that have Departed today, if your stay date range includes the current business date.
Cancellations. Include Reservations that were canceled and due to arrive within the date range specified. Based on Reservation date, not cancellation date.
Pseudo Rooms. Include Reservation made for a Room type configured as a Pseudo Room.
Packages. Include the Packages that have been attached to reservations.
Note: Prices and allowances displayed for packages will be the price and allowance from the configuration of the package when it was attached to the reservation. Since the package price and allowance is stored at the reservation level, package prices and allowances can be different from reservation to reservation and from within the Package configuration to the reservation.
Share Names. Display guests names who have share reservations. Available when the Reservations>Shares application function is active.
Accompanying Names. Display names of accompanying guests who are associated with reservations. Available when the Reservations>Accompanying Guests application function is set to Y.
Alternate Name. When the General>Alternate Names application function is active, select to include the alternate name of the guests.
Preferences. Include all Preferences attached to the Primary Profile.
Fixed Charges. Display the fixed charges that are associated to the reservation. Available when the Cashiering>Fixed Charges application function is active.
Notes. When checked, all notes attached to the Reservation and Primary Profile will be displayed on the report. The user can select from a Multi Select LOV, for specific Note or Comment types they would like included on the report.
Include Internal Notes. When the Notes checkbox is selected, an additional check box is also displayed that allows the option of including those Notes that have marked as “internal”. If this checkbox is NOT selected, the Filter information on the report output does not display that “internal” notes are not included.
Address. Display the address for the guest attached to the reservation.