Reservation Type List
The Reservation Type List screen opens when you select the Res Types button from the Rate Availability screen display on the Sales Screen. (This button is available only if the OPR <version number> ORS license code is active.)
To search for a specific reservation type, enter the reservation type in the Resv. Type field and select the Search button. The following information is available:
Property. The property highlighted in the Rate Availability screen.
Rate Code. The rate code associated with the room/rate highlighted in the Rate Availability screen.
Resv Type. The reservation type code.
Short Description. Brief description of the reservation type.
CC Req. Is a credit card required to guarantee this reservation type? Y=Yes, N=No.
Deposit Amount. The deposit amount for the reservation type. If the highlighted room/rate's currency is different from the property's base currency, this amount will display in both currency types.
Cancellation Amount. The cancellation amount for the reservation type. If the highlighted room/rate's currency is different from the property's base currency, this amount will display in both currency types.
Deposit Rule. Description of the deposit rule that applies, if any. See Reservation Deposits and Cancellations for details.
Cancellation Rule. Description of the cancellation rule that applies, if any. See Reservation Deposits and Cancellations for details.
See Also