Reservations for Repeat Guests (resrepeatguest with RES32.FMX)
The Reservations for Repeat Guests report displays reservations for the specified Arrival Date range that have an attached profile that have stayed at your property at least one time. To display on the report, the reservation has to be in a RESERVED or DUE IN status.
From Date / To Date. Select a date range that encompasses the entire arrival dates of repeat guests.
Booked. Only include stays where the Contact profile was attached as the Reservation Contact to the Reservation from the table CONTACT_STAT_DAILY.
Stayed. Only include stays where the Contact profile stayed in the hotel (was the GUEST_NAME_ID on RESERVATION_NAME from the table PROFILE_STAT_DAILY).
Both. Include all stays.
The Booked/Stayed/Both filters only affect the reservations where the Guest Name is also a contact.