Room Plan (resroomplan with RES8.FMX)
The Room Plan Report displays a functionally enhanced summary of the availability of each individual room in the property, showing 15 days per display. For each room, room number and room type information is shown. Print this "rack of rooms," or "rooms-at-a-glance" report to verify the correct room blocking for individuals and groups or to assist with blocking when the property is near to capacity.
Date Range. Select a date range that encompasses the entire dates of the stay.
Room Class. When the General>Room Class application function is active, select specific room classes to display in the report from the multi-select list of values.
Room Type. Select specific room types from the multi-select list of values.
Rooms. Select the down arrow to select specific rooms to display on the report from the list. All configured rooms, including pseudo rooms, will be displayed in this list.
Features. Select to filter the report on rooms that are configured with specific room features. If more than one feature is selected, the report will display rooms which have all of the selected features attached.
Smoking. Select to display non-smoking, smoking, or both types in the results.