
Room Type Forecast (room_type_forecast with GEN2.FMX)

For each room type, the report details include total physical rooms (total number of rooms configured for the room type), Out of Order rooms, inventory rooms (total rooms available – OOO), total rooms sold (total reserved rooms), and available rooms (available to sell + sell limits set at room type level – total sold).

Note: Generic room types are not included in this report.

Note: Component rooms information is included only if the GENERAL > COMPONENT ROOMS application function is set to Y. The OOO column will show blank for component room types because the capability does not exist to put a component room Out of Order.


Room Class. Filters on specific Room Classes. Only includes reservations that are made for a room type that is in the selected room class. Available when the GENERAL > ROOM CLASS application function is set to Y.

Room Type. Filters on specific room types.


Available to Sell Only. Select this check box to report only on room types for which availability is greater than 0. Room types with a POSITIVE number of available rooms are displayed on the report when this check box is selected. Available when the ROOMS MANAGEMENT > OUT OF ORDER application function is set to N. When set to Y, the check box is labeled OOO Rooms Sell Only.

Non Deduct. Select this check box to include reservations with a non-deduct status.

Overbooking. Select this check box to show the overbooking level for each individual room type. The report will display a blank in this column on the report for component room types, as overbooking levels can't be configured for them. Available when the ROOMS MANAGEMENT > OVERBOOKING application function is set to Y.

Note: The Daily Totals and the report Grand Total include all room types configured for the property, regardless of the Room Class and Room Type filter selections. This is consistent with the Detailed Availability Report.

Note: The Daily Totals and the report Grand Total might not tally with the values of the individual room types. This is consistent with the Detailed Availability Report and occurs because the values for component suites are not included in the daily totals; in addition, room type values consider overbooking levels (sell limits) on a room type level, while totals consider sell limits on a house level.