

This report presents another view on the daily or weekly list of events that can be used to communicate catering details between different departments of a hotel. The formatting is a little different from the other event listings [Daily/Weekly List of Events (SAMPLE_EVENT_LIST_REP) or Daily/Weekly List of Events - Detailed (SAMPLE_EVENT_LIST_DETAILED)] whereas the information that is printed is very similar. The only additional items that the other event reports do not print is the primary phone number of the contact (or account if no contact phone number exists) and registered attendee information (when the Print Attendees check box is selected - available when the application function CATERING > ATTENDEE MANAGEMENT is active). This makes the report ideal as a tool for following up with customers on event details. This report is sorted by date and within each date by booking Id. The events per day for each booking are then listed in start time order underneath each booking.

Note: This report requires that the user be granted the EVENT PRINT permission in the selected property to run the report. Also, the Property LOV in this report is further limited by the properties to which the user has the appropriate access granted.

This is a customizable report.

Selection Criteria

Account. Select the Account ID for the booking. However, if a Source and Source Contact are the only Profiles attached to a Business Block, the Source Profile will be used as the Account listed in this report and the Source Contact will be the Contact listed.

Contact. Select the Contact profile for the booking.

Business Block. Use this option to select a Business Block for which an event is scheduled.

Note: When selecting a Master Block ID in the Bus.Block filter, OPERA will also include the Sub Block IDs linked to that Master. The report will then print all Events linked to the Master and its Sub Blocks. If a Sub Block ID is selected, only Events linked to that Sub Block will be printed.

Date Range. Select the to/from date range for the booking.

Event Status. Use this option to search for events of a particular event status.

Event Type. Use this option to search for events of a particular type.

Function Space. Use this option to search for events scheduled for a particular function space or the location for the event (Foyer, Suite 411, Barcelona Room, Lobby, etc.).

Set-up Style. Use this option to search for events with a particular set-up style for the function space.

Print Alternate Events. Use this filter to include Alternate Space Events.

Print Attendees. Available when the application function CATERING > ATTENDEE MANAGEMENT is active. When selected, registered attendee information for each event will appear on the report, such as attendee first name, last name, preferences, table seat, whether residential or not, and room number.

Report Type - Daily/Weekly. When DAILY is selected a page break per day will occur. On WEEKLY the report will print continuously for the span of the selected date range.

Report Data

The report is sorted in date order and within each date by booking ID. For each booking, the booking name prints as well as the primary account and contact, the primary contact phone number (or account phone number if no contact phone number exists), the booking status and the internal booking ID number.

Account and contact information is displayed according to the following profile type hierarchy:

The event data prints for each booking for the appropriate date and includes the event start and end time, the event status, the event type code and event description, the assigned function space and the set-up style that’s been booked for it and the expected, guaranteed and actual number of attendees.