BLOCK PRINT Permission
Permission Group. Blocks.
Internal Name. SC_BH_PRINT
Description. Print Business Block Reports.
This permission is required for printing these reports:
- rep_actbb (rep_actbh_l.rep)
- rep_actbh (rep_actbh_p.rep)
- rep_backlog
- rep_bh_short
- rep_block_conversion
- rep_block_leadtime
- export_booking_status_snapshot (rep_book_status_snapshot.rep)
- rep_bookchglog
- rep_booking_pace
- rep_booking_position
- rep_bookinginfo_export
- rep_busblock_list
- rep_cancel_summary
- rep_cont_merge
- rep_contract (sample_contract.rep)
- rep_daily_analysis
- rep_daily_forecast
- rep_deposit
- rep_deposit_posting
- rep_grmres_sales_std (sample_grmres_sales_std.rep)
- rep_individual_postcon
- rep_iso_production
- rep_month_grp_prd
- rep_pot_act
- rep_pot_summary
- rep_prod_ch
- rep_prod_rms_cat
- rep_rooms
- rep_rooms_progress
- rep_smgr_prodgoals
- rep_smgr_summary
- rep_snapshot_status
- rep_weekend_weekday
In addition, this permission controls access to the Contracts button on the Quick Business Block screen and the Business Block screen. This button allows the user to send select S&C reports via the fax or email delivery methods.
Application Used In. PMS, Sales & Catering, ORS
Path. Reservations>Blocks>Business Blocks>Print
SC>Business Management>Business Block>Report
SC>Business Management>Business Block>Edit>Report
SC>Business Management>Business Block>Options>Report
SC>Business Management>Business Block>Edit>Options>Report
SCX>Business Management>Quick Business Block>Edit>Options>Report