
Session DBA Jobs

The DBA Jobs functionality allows a view into what all jobs the Database Administrator is running and be viewed from Utilities>Tools>Session Statistics>DBA Jobs button.

DBA Jobs Screen


Trace. Displays On when a trace has been placed on that specific job. The field remains blank if no trace has been generated for the job.

SID. ID number assigned to the specific session. Every time a new session is created, a new unique identifier is assigned to it.

Job. Number assigned to the specific job. Every new job that is started, a new number is assigned to it.

Inst. ID. Number of instances the session appears. In a rack environment, a session can appear a multiple number of times.

Login User. Displays the user login name of the user who is signed in and running the job.

Started Date. Date and time that the database job was started.

Running Procedure. Procedure that is being run for the DBA job.

Next Schedule. Next time the job will be run again.


Trace On. Select to trace the highlighted DBA job. An On will display in the Trace column when a trace is being run on the job.

View Trace. Downloads the Trace File to a specified location so it can be viewed. An error message is displayed if the file can't be loaded to the location.

Refresh. Refreshes the screen.

Kill. Terminates the highlighted DBA job.

Details. Displays the details of a job, all the same information that is displayed in the grid, but in a more compact window.

See Also