
Session Statistic Memory

The session statistics memory functionality allows for a user to search and kill a session that is using a specific amount of memory, that could possibly be slowing functionality. The memory functionality is located at Utilities>Tools>Session Statistics>Memory button.

Memory Screen

Memory Grid

X. Select to highlight the row.

Proc. ID. ID number assigned to the process.

Process Name. Identifies the uniqueness for each of the Oracle sessions.

Memory Used. Total amount of memory used by the process.

Module. Name of the currently executing module.

Terminal. Operating system terminal name.

Search Criteria

Process. Enter an amount of process to search for the processes that are using processes that is less than or greater than the number entered.

Memory. Enter an amount of memory to search for the processes that are using memory that is less than or greater than the number entered.

Less Than. Select to search for processes or memory that is less than the number entered.

Greater Than. Select to search for processes or memory that is greater than the number entered.

See Also