Specific Block Exchange Functionality
This topic serves as a functional description of how the OXI parameter OXI_BLOCKS > SPECIFIC BLOCK EXCHANGE parameter can be applied. The parameter OXI_BLOCKS > SPECIFIC BLOCK EXCHANGE can be applied to determine which allotments and their related reservations are exchanged with the external system. This parameter is an additional condition and does not enable the exchange of reservations and allotments and its function is conditional to all other configuration items and parameters related to allotments and reservations.
When this parameter is enabled, users can mark any allotment as exchangeable. When an allotment is marked as exchangeable, all related reservations and allotment messages for that allotment will be exchanged with the external system regardless of their origination. The default setting for this parameter is N or inactive.
When this parameter is set to Y, it will enable an OXI button on the Business Block screen. When the OXI button is selected the External Systems screen displays allowing for the selection of any external systems where this parameter is active.
Once an external system has been selected, this block and all reservations related to that block will be sent to the external system.
Select one or multiple interfaces from this form. Once the OK button is selected this block is now considered exchangeable with the selected interfaces. Any block that is created by an external system and has an external reference number is automatically considered exchangeable with that interface.
Note: This will not be marked on the OPERA Business Blocks screen; the block is automatically exchangeable by the presence of an external reference number.
The following flow chart represents the data flow for Block Reservation Business events based upon the setting for the OXI_GENERIC > SEND IFC CREATED ONLY parameter and the OXI_BLOCKS > SPECIFIC BLOCK EXCHANGE parameter.
Messages for blocks without external reference numbers will NOT be sent to external system. However, messages for all reservations will be sent to external system regardless of the exchangeability of the block they belong to, if reservations are sent.
Messages for blocks will always be sent to external system and messages for block reservations will always be sent to external system.
Messages for blocks without external reference number will not be sent to external system and messages for block reservations without external reference number will not be sent to external system.
Messages for blocks will always be sent to external system and messages for block reservations will be sent to external system, regardless of their origin, if they belong to a block that is exchangeable or that have been inserted by the interface.
See Also