Startup and Shutdown of the V3.X Interface Client (PMS)
Check to see if the Interface Monitor is running by looking for a stoplight icon in the icon tray taskbar on the bottom right corner of the Interface PC.
Example: Tray holds Stoplight icon that has Red light.
Note: The Interface Monitor does not need to be running for the Interface to be running.
The Interface Monitor displays the status of the services Running or Stopped on the Interface.
Example: CIS/CRS HTTP Lookup Service in Stopped mode.
Example: Micros Fidelio Interface Services and CRIS FO in Running mode.
Note: For the Interface client to be running the MICROS-Fidelio Interface service, CRIS FO service must all display the word RUNNING beside them.
Start the Interface by right clicking on the Stoplight in the icon tray and select Start Interface. All three of the MICROS-Fidelio services, one at a time, will first turn to yellow and display the word Starting. The service’s names will then turn green and say Running.
To stop the Interface, right click on the stoplight in the icon tray and select Stop Interface. All of the MICROS-Fidelio services will turn red and say Stopped
Right click on the stoplight in the icon tray and select Exit to close the Interface monitor. This will make the stoplight disappear from the icon tray.
Note: Selecting exit does not turn off the Interface; it will only exit from the monitor mode. The Interface startups automatically if the PC is rebooted.
If a V6 property runs a night audit or a file maintenance, the V3 connectivity status will show as yellow on the OXI_HUB monitor screen. This will indicate to users that the site is down for night audit or maintenance and that no interference is needed. Only if after 5 or more hours the yellow status has not changed back into green do we need to verify further. The yellow status shall help distinguishing a normal downtime from an unintentional one.
The RQUpload utility is installed at the property on the V3 Interface PC. Identified and accessible through an icon on the PC desktop.
Business Rules on how the utility works:
Note: Currently this utility is in use with Shangri-La.