Sync and Re-sync Utility for the V3.X Property Interface
The Interface includes a first time synchronize utility to deliver all allotments, profiles, reservations and stays. This ensures synchronized inventory as soon as the Interface is installed and the CRS has run the sync utility. A range of messages are created for every transaction that is downloaded and uploaded following the normal Interface messaging and transportation.
Prior to the installation of V3.x, if your hotel chain maintains double entries for all or part of the objects the Interface is uploading or downloading, only those objects that do not exist at both sides require a sync. For example, if rates are entered on both sides with the same rate code, you do not need to sync rates.
The Pre-Sync utility must be initiated from the property.
The following items must be accomplished:
Screen Defaults:
Checklist prior to Synchronization:
Synchronization Process:
If allotments are checked, it is important that the following objects are synched first:
If reservations are checked, it is important that the following objects are synched first:
If all rate codes existing in the CRS are already manually entered in the PMS, the user should only have to sync from the PMS to the CRS. The suggested order of rates to be sync would be:
Convert all CRS rates to CIS rates using the utility on the sync screen.
Note: We do not recommend the synchronization of restrictions.
The clean up of profiles before synchronization is very important. Again, during the clean up process on both sides the Interface must be turned off.
You need not sync profiles with all reservations and allotments, since the attached profiles will also be sent to the destination.
If you want to sync profiles, it should be started as stated below.
All allotments should be created on both sides manually. If the manually entered allotments on both sides have the exact same code they won't be inserted, as the Interface should recognize the existence of allotments during the upload or download process. All allotments created in the CRS MUST exist in PMS. Only allotments "open for pick up" should exist in CRS.
CRS to PMS (is not needed if the hotel has been consistent in entering allotments received from the PMS)
In theory, all CRS reservations should exist in all PMS systems with the CRS confirmation number. Reservation sync should only be needed from the PMS to the CRS. It is currently recommended that you not sync the latest time ranges. Oracle recommends that you test the sync in small increments by trying a week first, then a month, six months and then the remaining period.