Configuration - Tax Types by Transaction Codes (cf_taxtypesbytrxcodes)
The Tax Types by Trx Codes (cf_taxtypesbytrxcodes) report provides a list of all the configured tax types and the transaction codes that have been configured as taxes/generates using this tax type.
The CASHIERING > TAX TYPES application parameter and CASHIERING >ADVANCED GENERATES application function must be active for this report to be available. The Generic Tax Types feature must be used to configure the taxes along with Advanced Generates functionality for appropriate taxes and exemptions to be applied, and to define days to stop posting tax based on the length of stay.
The report can be filtered by these parameters:
The report is grouped by each Tax Type and then sorted by Transaction Codes in ascending order. These are the report columns (grouped by Tax Type Code):
Transaction Code.
Transaction Code Description.
Do not Post After - Value from the tax generates configuration (based on the Advanced Generate parameter being active).
Flat Amount (if the tax is configured using the Flat amount instead of Percentage).
TxonTx () - If the amount of tax configured as % tax transaction code is being calculated based on a subtotal of a previous tax transaction code, then this value will be Y. In this case, 5% tax on transaction code 800001 is calculated based on the subtotal of transactions generated because of the previous tax transaction code 800000. See the topic 'Generates' for additional information.
Refund Y_N - This column will be Y if the Do Not Post after x days field is populated and the adjustment type is set to either During End of Day or Prompt at Checkout. If No Adjustment is selected, then the value is N.