Threshold Transaction Diversion Rule
For the Threshold rule feature to be available, you must verify the below requirements are met:
CASHIERING > Parameters > TRANSACTION THRESHOLD must be set to Y.
RESERVATIONS > TRANSACTION THRESHOLD RULE permission is granted to your user or user group. You must grant this permission to your user in order to attach Reservation Type Threshold rules to a reservation. Users can select the Threshold lamp on the reservations screen without having this permission, however.
The Threshold rule allows you to define the required and allowed threshold values for a transaction code or group of transaction codes. The Threshold rule's Required and Allowed threshold values are used to determine if charges remain on the guest's folio or move to a PM room.
A transaction can manually be transferred back to the original reservation that has already been diverted to a PM room due to the Threshold rule. This transfer breaks the connection between the transaction and the Threshold rule, and the values on the Threshold screen on the original reservation are not refreshed. If this same transaction is moved back to PM, again the values on the Threshold screen on the original reservation are not refreshed.
You can inactivate Reservation Type Threshold rules by selecting the Inactive check box on the Transaction Diversion Rule - Edit screen. Once inactive, the Threshold rule will no longer be applicable and will not be displayed on the Threshold screen from reservation options.
The Threshold rule can be of Property type or Reservation type. However, a Threshold rule cannot be used when the reservation is not in-house.
You can select Property if the Threshold rule will be applicable for all the active reservations (i.e., not canceled or No Show). The rule will be displayed with appropriate reservations and becomes applicable once it is saved.
If a Property based Threshold rule is made inactive while in-house or new reservations exist with this rule associated, diversion of charges or counting towards Required or Allowed values will no longer occur.
When based on Property, once all in-house reservations are updated, new transaction postings will refer to this rule and will either remain on the reservation or be diverted. The Allowed and Required value will not be affected by existing postings on in-house reservations.
Property based threshold rules will be associated at the time of check-in. Property Type Threshold Rules cannot be associated with the following:
Note: The Property type rule is not linked or saved on the reservation. For the property type rule, OPERA always refers to the Threshold rules configuration. Any change to configuration immediately becomes applicable to all the eligible reservations.
You can associate a Reservation based Threshold rule with any specific reservation that is active (i.e., not canceled or No Showed).
You cannot associate a Reservation based Threshold rule with a checked out reservation that has an Open Folio or a Post Stay charge privilege.
Reservation based Threshold rules can be associated with a reservation anytime during the stay while the reservation is in-house (i.e., after check in and prior to check out, not Open Folio).
Note: The same Reservation type threshold rule cannot be attached multiple times to a reservation.
Select Setup > Configuration > Cashiering > Transaction Diversion Rules to access the Transaction Diversion Rules screen. Existing Transaction Diversion rule related permissions control access to this configuration.
Attributes column. This is only populated for Threshold rules. This column indicates the following: if the rule is for Property or Reservation type; if the rule is based on Count, Quantity, or Minutes; and if the rule is for Per Stay or Per Day of Stay.
Rule column. Displays the transaction codes associated with the Threshold rule.
Show Inactive. Select to include inactive threshold rules in the results.
Code. Enter a value for the rule code. This value can be up to 20 alpha numeric characters.
Rule Type. Select Threshold.
Rule Type. Select Property or Reservation type (see sections above for explanation).
Rule Type. Select Per Stay or Per Day. When Per Stay is selected, the Required and Allowed values are applicable for the entire stay. If Per Day is selected, the Required and Allowed values are applicable for each day of the stay. OPERA will evaluate on a daily basis the Threshold rule's Required and Allowed values for the transaction codes used in posting the charges.
Entity. Select one of three options to indicate what the rule is based on: Count (rule will be based on the count of charges posted), Quantity (rule will be based on quantity associated with the charge) or Minutes.
Transaction Codes. Select transaction codes from the LOV. The LOV will exclude tax, payment, package wrapper, package profit/loss and internal transaction codes.
Target Room. Select the PM/Pseudo room where transactions will be diverted.
Required/Allowed. Enter the required number of Counts, Quantities, or Minutes that must be posted to the reservation before diversion takes effect. This diversion will continue until the counts, quantities, or minutes (as indicated in the Allowed value field) are diverted. For example, if Count is set to Required = 3 and Allowed = 5, the following result will occur: OPERA will post 3 counts of charge for any one of the selected transaction codes to the guest’s folio; the diversion will begin when the 4th count of the charge is posted; OPERA will divert 5 counts of the charges to the designated PM/Pseudo room.
Sequence. Enter a number for the rule sequence. In case of multiple Threshold rules for a reservation, the rule with the lowest sequence number (and that has not yet been completely used up) will be applied. The sequence will determine the order of Threshold rule applicability if the transaction code being posted to a folio is included in more than one rule.
Inactive. When editing, select this check box to make an active property or reservation threshold rule inactive. The Thresholds lamp for the inactive property or transaction threshold rule will not appear on screens. If other active threshold rules exist, the Threshold lamp will appear. Select the lamp to view the Reservation Threshold screen where you can select the Show Inactive check box to view inactive threshold rules.
A count is a charge or a single line item posted to the guest folio. It can have more than one quantity associated with it. Each time a charge is posted using a transaction code configured in the Threshold rule, it will be counted once.
If a charge with three quantities is posted for transaction code 2000, OPERA will consider this as one count.
If the Threshold rule attribute is Count and the Reservation receives a charge (via an interface or manually) on any of the transaction codes included in the rule, that charge will be counted to validate if the Required threshold is met. If not, the charge will remain on the Reservation. This will continue to happen until the required value of count is met. Each instance of a charge will be counted. The monetary value and the quantity associated to the posting will not be considered for this type of threshold validation.
Once the required value of Count is met, all the postings on any of the transaction codes included in the rule will be diverted to the PM room associated with the Threshold rule until the Allowed value is fulfilled. After the Allowed value is fulfilled, all the charges on any of the transaction codes included in the rule will again remain on the reservation.
Note: The PM room must be checked in for the transactions to divert. If the PM room is not checked in, the transactions will remain on the reservation/guest folio, and the Threshold rule will not be applied and posted transactions will not be counted towards the Threshold rule.
A Quantity is a charge posted that has at least one quantity associated with it. There can be more than one quantity posted for a single charge on a transaction code.
If two charges for transaction code 2000 each have two quantities, OPERA will count this as four quantities against transaction code 2000.
If the Threshold rule attribute is Quantity and the Reservation receives a charge (via an interface or manually) on any of the transaction codes included in the rule, the quantity on that charge will be accounted to validate if the Required threshold is met. If not, the charge will remain on the Reservation. This will continue to happen until the required Quantity is met. Each instance of a charge will be counted. The monetary value and the quantity associated to the posting will not be considered for this type of threshold validation.
Once the required value of Quantity is met, all the postings on any of the transaction codes included in the rule will be diverted to the PM room associated with the Threshold rule until the Allowed value is fulfilled. After the Allowed value is fulfilled, all the charges on any of the transaction codes included in the rule will remain on the reservation.
A charge that is normally posted via a telephone interface will have minutes associated with it. When the rule is based on the Minutes attribute, the minutes on all the charges posted using the transaction codes that are part of the threshold rule will be used to evaluate the Required and Allowed values.
If the Threshold rule attribute is Minutes, and the Reservation receives a charge (via an interface or manually) on any of the transaction codes included in the rule, the minutes value will be validated to check if the required threshold is met. If not, the posting will remain on the reservation. This will continue until the required value of Minutes is met.
Once the Required value of minutes is met, all the postings on any of the transaction codes included in the rule will be diverted to the PM room associated with the Threshold rule. Once the Allowed value of minutes is met, all the postings on any of the transaction codes included in the rule will remain on the reservation.
If a charge that has minutes associated to it is split into multiple postings, then only the minutes associated with the original posting will be considered.
A charge for $10.00 is posted that has 30 minutes associated with it. If this charge is split into two posting of $5.00 each, it will only count 30 minutes towards the Required and Allowed values.
If a single posting contains minutes that cover the Required value and go beyond, OPERA will split the posting and post a charge up to required value to the reservation. The remainder will go to the PM room as diversion (i.e., the posting will automatically split).
If Required =30 and Allowed = 60, a charge for 50 minutes will post an amount for up to 30 minutes to guest’s folio and the charge for the remaining 20 minutes will be diverted. Note: Per minute is calculated as amount / total minutes.
The same result will occur if a single posting contains minutes that cover the Required value and go beyond the Allowed value. OPERA will split and post a charge up to the Required value and another charge for the minutes beyond the Allowed value.
If a reservation has more than one Threshold rule associated, the transaction code is in multiple rules, or if there is an eCoupon, OPERA will use the following hierarchy to determine how the charge is processed:
This will be used only if the POS charge indicates the guest wants to use an eCoupon.
If a transaction code is in multiple rules, OPERA will use the sequence number associated with the Threshold rule and the one with the lowest sequence number will be applied.
Transaction Diversion
If none of the above applies, OPERA will use a transaction diversion.
Quantity Scenario: The quantity on the charge being posted is 5. A threshold rule exists with Required = 2 and Allowed = 2. Based on this configuration, the transaction will be split into 3 parts.
Quantity of Part 1 = 2
Quantity of Part 2 = 2
Quantity of Part 3 = 1
Case 1: No routing instructions on the transaction code of the threshold.
Part 1 and Part 3 will remain on the source reservation. Part 2 will be diverted to the Target PM configured on the threshold.
Case 2: With routing instructions on the transaction code of the threshold to Reservation 2.
Part 1 will remain on Reservation 1 and applied towards the Threshold rule. Part 2 will be diverted to the Target PM.
Part 3 will be routed to Reservation 2.
Part 3 will be re-evaluated on Reservation 2 based on the threshold configuration. If there is also a threshold configured on Reservation 2 for the transaction code, OPERA splits the transactions and move part of the transactions to the target PM.
Case 3: With no allowance package configured on the reservation/rate code and with the same transaction code as the threshold.
Part 1 and Part 3 will remain on the source reservation. Part 2 will be diverted to Target PM.
Case 4: With an allowance package configured on the reservation/rate code with the same transaction code as the threshold (will not check for any allowances).
Part 1 remains on the source reservation and applied to the threshold rule. Part 2 will be diverted to the Target PM. Part 3 will go against the allowance if applicable.
Case 5: The Threshold rule is applied first before routing. Routing occurs if a threshold exists. If the transaction code being posted is included in the threshold rule as well as Room routing, OPERA does not prompt you to confirm the routing of the transaction code, instead the applicable threshold rule is applied.
These rules apply to the Threshold rule functionality: