Travel Agent Types
When the Profile > IATA Company Type application setting is set to Y, the Travel Agent Type field can be used. Select the System Configuration > Profiles > Travel Agent Types to setup the types that can be attached to a profile. This profile type is used for businesses with which the property has commercial dealings. Travel agents are special kinds of business that have their own profile types, although in all essential respects, travel agent profiles are identical to the company profile type. You will see the title "Account" on the profile screen of a profile belonging to an agent.
The Travel Agent Types screen displays the following information.
Code. Code that represents the travel agent type.
Description. Description of the travel agent type code.
Seq. Sequence number of the order the code will appear in a list of values.
Provide the following information in the Travel Agent Types - Add screen and select the OK button.
Code. Code assigned to the travel agent type.
Description. Description of the travel agent type code.
Display Sequence. Numeric value for the order of succession for this agent type in a list of values.
See Also