User Defined Information Tab
This user definable information tab allows you to enter other property features or amenities that are not otherwise covered in the property details tabbed screens. The types, values and attributes are set up for UDFs in Configuration>Property>Property UDF. This tab will only be visible for those properties that have the Multi-property Cross Reservations add-on license code OPP MHT2 (Multi-Property Cross Reservations) active. Users will be able to view the UDF tab within the cross property reservation selling screens.
Select New to create user defined types and values, and Edit to make modifications.
UDF Type. The user defined type (flowers, champagne, bedroom slippers) desired for the new property.
Value. The value for the type chosen previously (type=flowers/value=red roses, type=champagne/value=Veuve Cliquot, type=bedroom slippers/value=men's, women's) desired for the new property from the list of values.