Your Choice Housekeeping (HSK10.FMX)
The Your Choice Housekeeping report generates for the current date.
Selection Criteria
Departures. Selects all reservations with a departure date equal to the current business date.
Stayovers. Selects all reservations that are currently checked in and have a departure date greater than the current business date.
Report Output
The report shows the following information:
- Name
- Room No.
- CRS No. / Confirmation No.
- Arr. Date
- Dep. Date
- Membership No.
- Level
- Opt Out Days - Number of days the guest is currently opted out.
- Opted Out Today - This shows a ‘Y’ on the days the guest is opted out and will not receive housekeeping service. When only Departures are included on the report this column will be empty, as guests cannot opt out on their departure day.
The summary section at the bottom of the report shows the following information:
- Occupancy % - Forecasted occupancy for the current business date.
- Stayovers - Number of rooms with a departure date greater than the current business date.
- Rooms Participating in YCH Program - Number of rooms with reservations that have the special code for Your Choice Housekeeping (for example, J8) attached.
- Rooms opted out today - Number of rooms that are opted out on the current business date and will not receive housekeeping services.
- DND status - Number of rooms with a current status of DND.