
About End of Day Sequence Configuration

The Configuration > Setup > End of Day Sequence menu handles the process of configuring the End of Day Routine procedures and reports, not the actual running of the End of Day Routine. OPERA's End of Day Routine is unique in that each procedure and report can be configured individually for each property. The End of Day Routine consists of a series of steps. Of the steps there is the sequence that processes procedures and reports during the End of Day Routine. You can print an unlimited number of reports. Furthermore, you can determine which procedures or reports are to be executed on which days. After you have selected the End of Day Sequence option, OPERA displays the current End of Day Mandatory Procedures that run at the property during the End of Day Routine. All procedures are displayed, but only the Optional Procedures are editable.

Final Reports. The Income Audit allows a hotel to roll the current business date without completely stopping charges to that date. This allows a controller or income auditor to go back into a day, look at the charges for guests still in-house, make adjustments, and then run final reports. Once guests checked out, their charges cannot be touched by the income auditor. If a property uses the Income Audit feature, the Final Reports are then run after the Final Procedures. These reports are referred to when the income auditor makes adjustments and new charges. Prior to running the final reports, some procedures including the update_statistics procedure must be run to update the statistics for the final reports. Failure to run these procedures will cause the final reports to produce zeroes. Closing of a day by the Income Auditor will result in the production of the Final Reports.

Interim Procedures. Used to create or activate interim procedures to be run during the End of Day Sequence. The mandatory procedures will be displayed as well as interim procedures. There is no setup required for these procedures and no configuration or ordering is necessary. The mandatory procedures will be followed by the interim procedures.

Final Procedures. Create or activate optional procedures to be run during the End of Day Routine. The mandatory procedures will be displayed as well as optional procedures. There is no setup required for these procedures and no configuration or ordering is necessary. The mandatory procedures will be followed by the optional procedures.

Mandatory Procedures. Procedures that are required to run for every property during the End of Day Sequence. The mandatory procedures that run for a property are based on which license codes are active.