
Interim Procedures

Available when the End of Day > Income Audit application function is set to Y, displays all interim procedures that can be included in the interim procedures for the income auditor to use are displayed in the End of Day Sequence Interim Procedures screen.

Use this screen to create or activate interim procedures to be run during the End of Day Sequence. The interim procedures will be manually set up by the property via Configuration > End of Day Sequence > Procedures > Interim Procedures. The mandatory procedures will be displayed as well as interim procedures. There is no setup required for these procedures and no configuration or ordering is necessary. The mandatory procedures will be followed by the interim procedures.

The ability to create interim procedures is available from this screen by selecting New. From the Configuration > General > Report Setup menu your system administrator will need to create a report group for Interim End of Day Routine Procedures as well as those interim procedures an income auditor would need to run before closing the business day.

Refer to the information in the Create/Edit a Final Report topic for creating new or editing final procedures.

PMS interim Procedures

night_audit_deposit_processing - Batch deposit authorization and settlement can be handled automatically through the End of Day processing Batch Deposit Processing procedure. This procedure will check for reservations having deposit requests with a due date that matches the current business date and a credit card payment method. This procedure will only be available if a credit card interface is configured and active for the property and the Cashiering > Deposit Handling application function is set to Y. The Cashiering > Advanced Deposit Handling application setting must be set to 0.

Note: When the End of Day > Income Audit application function is set to Y, this procedure will always run as an Interim Procedure and will have to be manually removed in order not to be run during the night audit. When ran as a Interim Procedure, it does not run again during the Final Procedures.

autobatchccsettlement - Selects all of the pending credit card settlements for the previous business date (current business date - 1 as this procedure is run after the current business date has been rolled) and settles them. This procedure is run twice, first to process the settlements and then run again to process any errors that may have occurred during the first settlement process.

When the Batch Settlement is active, the Automatic Batch Credit Card Settlements is available and initially set as inactive in the Interim procedures. It can be enabled when the Batch Settlement option is selected on the Credit Cards Functionality Setup screen .

See Also