
Adding Match and Merge Rules

Merge rules must be configured for the Concept Interface when it is first set up. Thresholds are the initial merge rules that need to first be set when a new interface is being configured. The LOWER_THRESHOLD indicates the lowest merge level that a profile needs to achieve to be considered for a match. If a profile fails to meet the LOWER_THRESHOLD merge level, it will not be created as new. The UPPER_THRESHOLD indicates the hurdle a profile needs to take in order to match with an existing ORS profile. If a profile acquires points between the lower and upper threshold it will be staged and user intervention is required to achieve a final match.

  1. Go to PMS>Setup>Configuration>Profile>External IFC>Merge Rules. The Merge Rules screen will open. You can configure merge rules here. Merge rules determine the final merge once a profile has passed the internal match criteria (OXI_PROFILE parameters), and the region configuration check.


  2. On the Merge Rules screen, select the New button. The Merge Rules - New screen will open.
  3. Select the Region down arrow and choose None from the list of values.
  4. Select the Name Type down arrow and choose D from the list of values.
  5. Select the Merge Rule down arrow and add the following Merge Rules for each rule that you add:
    • ADDRESS1
    • CITY
    • FIRST
    • NAME

    Note: Do not change these default settings.

    Note: For the lower, upper, and multiple thresholds, the Type will be THRESHOLD. Once the thresholds are set, all other types will become MATCH as they apply to the merge rules.

  6. Select Apply Rule check box. This is the activation flag for the merge rule. This must be checked for the merge rule to be applied.
  7. Select OK to save your merge rules.