
DEFERRED TAXES Application Setting


Type.  Parameter

Application.  PMS

Description.  Defer Calculating the VAT Tax Amounts until the point of Check out.


Property Determination. When this parameter is activated, the user can only configure exclusive generates on transaction codes. When entering the billing screen, taxes will be temporarily posted and when going out of the billing screen the tax transactions will be removed. Only when a folio has been generated and a folio number has been assigned to the financial transaction (e.g., at checkout or remote video checkout) will tax transactions no longer be removed. Information folios reflect the tax that is temporarily posted at the time the folio is generated.

Deposit payments. When the Cashiering>Advanced Deposit Handling application setting chosen by the property is an option that prints a folio, deferred tax amounts will be included in the amount specified on the Payment screen for deposit payments.

Activation / Inactivation Rules. 

Unable to turn to Y if any transaction codes, rate codes, or packages are marked as TAX_INCLUSIVE.

Available Values.

Y (Yes)

N (No)

Add On Licenses/Country Specifics.


Other Application Settings.

If value = Y, automatically set the following to Y- TRANSFER GENERATED TRX, AR NOMODIFY INVOICE.


If value = Y, automatically set the following to N- TAX ROUTING YN, FOLIO REVISION NUMBER

Affected Areas

Menus / Screens / Fields.

1.To prevent imbalances, the Billing screen is accessible by only one user at a time when the DEFERRED TAXES parameter is set to Y. (Cashiering>Billing>In House, Check Out button from the Dashboard, Billing option from Reservation Options menu)

2. If a tax type on the payee profile is changed and FOLIO NOREPRINT=Y, then only add-on taxes with no bill number will be reversed and reposted.

3. If FIXED BILL NUMBER PER RESERVATION, FIXED BILL NUMBER PER WINDOW, or FOLIO REVISION NUMBER = Y, all add-on taxes will be reversed and reposted.

4. VAT correction will occur at the time the posting is transferred to a different payee with a different tax type.

5. Reversed taxes will not show on the screen.

6. Reversals will happen on the business date that the moving or adjusting is done, not on past days.


Reports & Report Forms.




Other Areas.
