Cashiering Overview
Note: When the OPR<version Number>ORS license code is active, three option buttons appear on the Application Settings screen that affect what Group Functions, Parameters, and Settings will be available.
- The Global option button displays Group Functions/Parameters/Settings that will affect all properties located in all CROs in the ORS database.
- The CRO option button displays Group Functions/Parameters/Settings that will affect all properties located in the CRO selected from the CRO LOV.
- The Property option button displays Group Functions/Parameters/Settings that are available on the property level and will only affect the property selected in the Property LOV.
- ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES - Activates the Accounts Receivables Functionality
- ADVANCED GENERATES - Stop posting of generates after specified days, adjustment of generates after a certain number of days and UDF Functions.
- ARTICLES - Activate Article functionality.
- AUTHORIZE DIRECT BILL - Activate Direct Bill Authorization.
- AUTO FOLIO SETTLEMENT - When this setting is activated, folios can be automatically settled every X number of days during the Night Audit or manually settled via the Batch Folio option.
- BATCH POSTING - Activate Batch Posting functionality.
- BILLING SUMMARY - Enable Billing Summary screen.
- BUDGETS - Activate Budget functionality.
- CANCELLATION HANDLING - Activate cancellation handling functionality.
- CHECK EXCHANGE - Activate check Exchange functionality.
- DEPOSIT HANDLING - Activate deposit handling functionality.
- EARLY DEPARTURE PENALTY - Early Departure Penalty Functionality.
- FISCAL PAYMENTS - Activate Fiscal Payments
- FIXED CHARGES - Activate Fixed Charges Functionality.
- FOLIO ARRANGEMENTS - Activate Folio Arrangement Functionality.
- GENERAL CASHIER - Activate General Cashier Functionality.
- FOREIGN CURRENCY HANDLING - Ability to handle Foreign Currency Payments, perform Currency Exchanges, Configure Foreign Currencies, use the Currency Calculator and Quote Rates in different currencies.
- NO SHOW AND CANCELLATION POSTINGS - The ability to post to no show and canceled reservations.
- PASSERBY - Active the Passerby functionality.
- PERIOD DEFINITION - Allows a property to setup fiscal periods and years, and have key reports give information based on Fiscal and/or Calendar periods.
- PERIODIC FOLIOS - Ability to generate folios on a periodic bases (Weekly, Monthly etc).
- PETTY CASH - Activate Petty Cash Functionality.
- POST STAY CHARGES - Charges can be posted after the guest has checked out.
- PRE STAY CHARGES - Charges can be posted prior to check in of a guest.
- PROPERTY SPECIFIC CURRENCY EXCH - Activate this function to use the exchange rate of the property instead of the global exchange rate, as the default for all transactions.
- ROUTING - Activate Routing Functionality.
- ROUTING LIMITS - Routing Limits will be enables for Window, Room, and Comp routing.
- SCHEDULED CHECKOUT - Activate Scheduled Check Out Functionality.
- TRANSACTION DIVERSIONS - Automatically divert postings on specific transaction codes to a specified pseudo room based on a membership type and level / VIP code
- TRANSACTION USER GROUPS- Ability to link transaction codes to user groups
- 8300 REPORTING - Form 8300 Reporting
- ADDITIONAL FOLIO TEXT - Additional fields to show on the folio when entered on a guest reservation.
- ADJUSTMENTS AS NEGATIVE - Adjustments are always negative.
- ADVANCED TAX HANDLING FOR DEPOSITS - Inclusive taxes for deposit folios will be posted to the Guest Ledger upon creation of the deposit.
- ALLOW DUPLICATE AR NUMBERS - Allow the use of the same AR Number on multiple AR Accounts.
- ALLOW ROUTING OF TAX TRANSACTIONS - Allow the Selection of Tax Transaction Codes when setting Room Routing or Window Routing.
- APARTMENT STYLE BILLING AUTO SETTLEMENT - Settle the window to which Apartment Style Billing cycle charges are posted during the End of Day or upon Check In to Direct Bill.
- APPEND PREFIX FOR FOLIO NUMBER - A static numeric prefix value of 4 digits can be associated with each bill number assigned in OPERA. This 4 digit prefix is unique per property.
- AR SETTLEMENT PRINT TASK - When this parameter is active, folios printed from Billing and Passer By that consist of direct bill transactions will use the AR folio layout defined in Account Receivable Folios report group and AR Folio print task.
- AR SETTLEMENT VISIBLE ON FOLIO - Print AR Settlement Payment on the Folio.
- AUTO DEPOSIT CANCELLATION REFUND - When a reservation is canceled that has an applied deposit, user will be taken to deposit screen and then payment screen with deposit amount populated as a refund.
- AUTO GENERATE PRE-PAID DEPOSIT COMMISSION - Automatically generate pre-paid deposit commission.
- AUTO OPEN FOLIO - For a checked out reservation that qualifies for the Post Stay Charge privilege and has the POST_CO_FLAG set to "P", if a charge is posted via an interface on the day of departure, it will be automatically changed to an Open Folio reservation.
- AUTO OPEN SHARE WITHS - When going into the billing form and the guest selected is a share with reservation all related share with's will automatically be opened in the billing screen.
- AUTO TRANSFER GENERATES WITH MAIN - Automatically Transfer any Generates attached to a Transaction Code if the Parent Transaction Code is Transferred or Routed.
- AUTOMATICALLY ASSIGN AR NUMBER - Automatically assign an AR Number and create an AR Account. This parameter works in conjunction with the Default Account Types per Profile Type.
- BLIND CASHIER DROP - Blind Drop Cashier Closure.
- BYPASS CASHIER LOGIN - Bypass Cashier login after the first successful login for the user session.
- CALCULATE CHANGE DUE - Activate the change due functionality when performing a settlement. When this parameter is active user will be presented with a payment screen with additional field for "Amount Received" and a prompt will appear for change due if the amount received is greater than the amount due.
- CASH TRANSACTION SURCHARGE - Allow OPERA to calculate and add surcharge amount to all cash payments. The surcharge amount will be posted against Cash Payment Surcharge Code.
- CASHIER FOREIGN CURRENCY AMOUNTS - Use multiple currency for postings.
- COLLECTING AGENT TAXES - Advanced Tax Functionality for Collecting Agent.
- CONSUME ALLOWANCE WHEN NOPOST OR POST STAY FLAG - Package Allowance consumption for In-House Reservations overriding No Post flag up to the allowance balance only when consumption posting via an interface, overage will not be generated. In case of manual postings against allowance, overage will be generated.
- CREDIT BILL - Credit Bill functionality.
- CREDIT CARD COUPON NUMBER - Credit Card Coupon No field to display on the Billing screen and on the Folio when a Credit Card Payment is performed.
- CREDIT CARD REBATE VALIDATION - Allow to rebate by Credit Card Number.
- CREDIT CARD TRANSACTION SURCHARGE - Ability to post a Credit Card Surcharge. The Application Parameter Setting DEFAULT CC SURCHARGE TRN CODE has to be configured as well.
- CURRENCY FOR EXCHANGE AND CHECK - Currency code to be used for the cash transaction when performing a currency or check exchange.
- DAILY PLANS - Enable Daily Plans Folio Grouping option.
- DEFERRED TAXES - Defer Calculating the VAT Tax Amounts until the point of Check out.
- DEPOSIT REFUND PAYMENT TYPE CHANGE - Allow the Deposit Rebate Payment Type to be Different Than Payment Type Paid.
- DIRECT BILL AUTHORIZATIONS AND SETTLEMENT - Direct Bill Authorizations and Settlement.
- DISPLAY FISCAL BILL NO. - Display the Fiscal Bill No in AR and Cashiering Module to allow for Search and Filtering.
- DUAL CURRENCY - When the currency for the rate code differs from the local currency, the folio displays room & tax in the contract currency using the exchange rate set for the rate code.
- EMAIL ZERO BALANCE FOLIO - A folio can be emailed for billing windows with zero balance having transactions without a bill number assigned.
- EXCLUSIVE CASHIER ID - Cashiers are exclusively assigned to a single user.
- FISCAL XML RETRIEVAL VIA SERVLET - Specifies using the servlet mechanism to access the Fiscal XML file during communication with the fiscal executable, and deletes the Fiscal XML file from the webtemp folder upon retrieval.
- FISCAL FOLIO PRINTING - Fiscal Folio Printing functionality.
- FISCAL FOLIO PRIOR TO VOIDING - Calls the Fiscal Service prior to voiding a folio.
- FIXED BILL NUMBER PER RESERVATION - Fixed Bill Number per Guest per Stay.
- FIXED BILL NUMBER PER WINDOW - Fixed Bill Number per Folio Window per Guest per Stay.
- FLOATING CASHIER ID - Activate the ability of users to select their Cashier ID for each login.
- FOLIO NOREPRINT - Do not allow Reprint, Split, Transfer, Adjustments, Corrections for postings with Bill Numbers.
- FOLIO NUMBER FOR DEPOSITS - Use Folio Number for Deposit Receipt.
- FOLIO NUMBER VALIDATION - Becomes available based on the country parameters and is used to validate if the folio number is correct during checkout for pre-printed stationary.
- FOLIO REVISION NUMBER - Allow the user to correcting a Folio with a Revision number attached.
- FOREIGN PAIDOUTS - Activate the ability to post a foreign currency paidout.
- FOLIO STYLES - Use Folio Style options when printing folios.
- GENERATE ZERO BILL - Allow user to print an Invoice that has a Zero Balance.
- LOG TRX DETAILS - For Support Purpose Only. Activates the recording of all Transaction Details into.
- MANDATORY REFERENCE FOR NEGATIVE PAYMENTS - The Reference field on the Cashiering, Deposit and AR Payment screens will be mandatory when posting a negative payment using a payment method of any type.
- MANUAL POST COVERS - The ability to manually adjust covers.
- ONLY POST TAXES ONCE FOR APARTMENT STYLE BILLING CHARGES - Generate taxes only once when posting the Apartment Style Billing Charges.
- OPEN FOLIO - Activate the Open Folio functionality.
- PACKAGE ALLOWANCE LINKING - Allow Linking of Package Allowance with other Rooms
- PACKAGE ARRANGEMENT CODES - Ability to add package arrangement codes to packages, which will change several folio styles to print by package arrangement code.
- PACKAGE DETAILS IN FISCAL FOLIO XML - The Fiscal Folio XML generated when a folio is generated, the Package Wrapper transaction is not included, instead individual components that make up the package wrapper are included.
- PAYMENT DUE DAYS - Ability to define on the account, the number of days after which the invoice should be paid.
- PAYMENT/REFUND UPON COST OF STAY CHANGE - Display Payment screen in case the total stay charge on the reservation changes.
- PERMANENT FOLIO STORAGE - Storage of printed folios to be viewed/printed without re-generation.
- PHONE DETAILS - Print Details of Telephone Posting on the Folio.
- POSITIVE CASHIER DROP - Do not allow cashier to be closed with negative shift drop.
- POST IT - Activate Post It functionality. Post It functionality provides a convenient interface for posting charges to articles that have been configured for transaction codes.
- PRINT RECEIPT - Automatically print a Deposit, Currency Exchange, Paid-Out or Payment Receipt.
- PRINT REFERENCE ON FOLIO STYLE 18 - Print Reference for Folio Style 18.
- PRINT REFERENCE / SUPPLEMENT ON FOLIO STYLE 4, 5 AND 13 - Print Reference and Supplement on Folio Style 4, 5 and 13 for posting on transaction code that do not have an Arrangement code associated.
- PRINT FISCAL INFORMATION FOLIO - Print Fiscal Folio when generating an information folio.
- PRO-FORMA FOLIOS - Allow generation of Pro-Forma Folios.
- PROMPT ACCOUNT COPY - Prompt to Copy a newly created AR Account to other selected properties.
- PROMPT FOR EXPENSE FOLIO FOR CHECK OUT - Prompt the user to Print Expense Folio during Check-Out.
- REFRESH ROOM ROUTING - When editing, deleting or entering new Room Routing Instructions user will have an option to refresh the folio charges via the Room Routing Refresh screen so that the latest Room Routing instructions are applied to existing charges.
- REINSTATE TO LAST DEPARTURE DATE - When a checked out reservation is reinstated, the Departure Date of such reservation will be set to the same departure date that was prior to the check out.
- RESEND FISCAL FOLIO (RESEND FISCAL FOLIO Application Setting, http://www.) - Shows the Resend button in Folio History.
- ROLLUP TRANSACTIONS - Show Transactions that were made on the same day with the same Check Number as rolled on the Billing screen. Clicking on the + or - allows the Posting to show as Separate Line Items or consolidated as One Line Item.
- ROUNDING FACTOR - Activate Rounding factors functionality.
- SELL FOREIGN CURRENCY _ Ability to sell foreign currency.
- SUMMARIZE TAX - Summarize Tax Charges on Folio.
- TAX TYPES - Activate Tax Type to Calculate taxes based on Prices.
- TAX BRACKET CALCULATION - Activate tax bracket calculation feature. Available for Country Config. US only.
- TRANSACTION CODE PER ADJUSTMENT CODE - Associate a specific transaction code for each adjustment code.
- TRANSACTION THRESHOLD - Ability to control the number of transactions posted to a reservation for certain transaction codes based on the count, quantity and the minutes associated with the posting.
- VOID BILL - Void Bill Functionality.
- 8300 NATURE OF BUSINESS - The 'Nature of your business.' Corresponds to field of the same name on 8300 form
- ADVANCED DEPOSIT HANDLING - Extended Deposit Handling.
- AR SETTLEMENT TRN CODE - Transaction code to record postings to Accounts Receivable.
- ARTICLE PROMPT - Posting prompt for articles.
- AUTO FOLIO SETTLEMENT PREFERENCE - Whether the charges on selected billing windows will first be transferred to window 8 and then settled using the payment type attached to window 8 or first settled on respected billing windows and then transferred to window 8.
- CASH SHIFT DROP - Transaction Code to record for a Shift Cash Drop.
- CASH TRN CODE - Cash Exchange Transaction Code.
- CALCULATION OF EARLY DEPARTURE AMOUNT - Calculation Rule for the Early Departure Penalty Amount.
- CHECK EXCHANGE PAIDOUT TRN CODE - Paid Out Transaction Code used during Check Exchange.
- CHECK SHIFT DROP - Transaction Code to record for a Shift Check Drop.
- CHECK TRN CODE - Check Exchange Transaction Code.
- CONCEALED FOLIO STYLES - Folio cannot be generated using the folio styles selected in this setting.
- CURRENCY EXCHANGE PAIDOUT TRN CODE - Transaction code to record a Currency Exchange Paid Out.
- DECIMAL CALCULATION - Number of decimals to maintain in the database for the calculation amount such as net amount, etc. pertaining to inclusive taxes/ generates.
- DEFAULT CASH SURCHARGE TRN CODE - Specify a Transaction Code to post Surcharge with Cash Payments.
- DEFAULT CC SURCHARGE TRN CODE - Default Transaction Code for Credit Card Surcharge.
- DEFAULT ROUTING INSTRUCTIONS PER DAY - Set the default setting for the Routing Instructions Per Day check box on the Routing Instructions screen, Routing Codes screen, Comp Routing Codes screen, and Promotion Routings screen.
- DEFAULT TAX TYPE - Default Tax Type for each New Reservation that is made.
- DEFAULT ROUTING DATES - Set the default selection of the date range for Routing when setting up new routing instructions.
- DEPOSIT LEDGER TAX TRN CODE - Internal tax transaction code used to transfer Deposit tax amounts from the Deposit Ledger to the Guest Ledger at the time of deposit creation.
- DEPOSIT LEDGER TRN CODE - Internal Transaction Code used to Transfer Deposit Balances from the Deposit Ledger to the Guest Ledger at the time of Check In.
- EARLY DEPARTURE PENALTY FLAT AMOUNT - The amount that will be automatically posted to the Early Departure Folio.
- EARLY DEPARTURE PENALTY TRANSACTION CODE - Early Departure Penalty Functionality Transaction Code.
- EXPRESS CHECK OUT - Provides the ability to initiate a process via Quick Check Out and Billing that will automatically post payments and settle billing windows for Due Out reservations and check them out.
- FISCAL PROGRAM NAME - Fiscal Program Name.
- FISCAL XML LANGUAGE CREATION - Language to be used for Fiscal XML File Creation.
- FOLIO COPY LEGEND - When printing multiple folios, the associated legend (e.g., Original, First Copy of Invoice, etc.) will print on the folio.
- FOLIO EMAILING (1-8) - Email folio at time of settlement.
- FOLIO EMAILING COPY LEGEND - When a folio is being emailed this setting will determine if the Original or the Copy will be emailed.
- FOLIO NUMBER PREFIX VALUE - A static numeric prefix value of 4 digits that will be associated with each bill number.
- FOLIO PRINTING (1-8) - Create and print folios (Billing screen windows 1-8).
- FOLIO STYLE - The Folio Style automatically used when printing a Folio.
- FOLIO TYPE METHOD - Method used for Folio Type Setup (only for specific countries).
- GUEST CHECK DETAILS URL - URL for guest check details.
- GUEST CHECK DETAILS HTNG URL - URL for HTNG guest check details.
- INTER PROPERTY DEPOSIT TRN CODE - Inter Hotel Deposits Transaction Code. Only necessary if the license code OPP MHT3 is active.
- INTER PROPERTY PAYMENT TRN CODE - Inter Hotel Payment Transaction Code. Only necessary if the license code OPP MHT3 is active.
- INTER PROPERTY SALES TRN CODE - Inter Hotel Sales Transaction Code. Only necessary if the license code OPP MHT3 is active.
- INTER PROPERTY TAX TRN CODE - Code to Link the Interfaces with the Resort Setup Path ID.
- INVOICING CURRENCIES - Activate Invoicing Currency functionality for generic fiscal payload.
- MAXIMUM CREDIT DAYS ALLOWED - Period Definition in which a Credit Bill can be Issued.
- OPEN FOLIO CLOSURE - Determines when an open folio needs to be closed.
- PACKAGE LOSS - Package Loss transaction code.
- PACKAGE PROFIT - Package Profit transaction code.
- PARALLEL CURRENCY - Currency in which OPERA performs the dual currency calculation.
- PASSERBY MARKET CODE - Default Market code when creating a passerby.
- PASSERBY SOURCE CODE - Default Source code when creating a passerby.
- PERMANENT FOLIO STORAGE FILE NAME FORMAT - Permanent Folio Storage will refer to this setting to determine and assign a file name for the folio.
- PRINT AUTHORIZATION RECEIPT - Ability to print a receipt for a credit card authorization transaction.
- PRINT CASHIER CLOSURE REPORTS - Print Cashier Closure Reports.
- PRINT DCC RECEIPT - Ability to print a receipt for a Dynamic Currency Conversion transaction.
- PRINT INFO FOLIO LAYOUT - Folio Print Task to use when generating a Fiscal Information Folio.
- PRINT RECEIPT - Automatically print a Deposit, Currency Exchange, Paid-Out or Payment Receipt.
- PRO-FORMA FOLIO DUE DAYS FOR MONTHLY RATE - Number of days in advance pro-forma folio is due to be sent to the guest on monthly rate cycle.
- PRO-FORMA FOLIO DUE DAYS FOR WEEKLY RATE - Number of days in advance pro-forma folio is due to be sent to the guest on weekly rate cycle.
- REFERENCE CURRENCY CALCULATION - Determine how the Reference Currency displays on the folio.
- REFERENCE CURRENCY CODE - Currency code to be used when printing folios.
- REPORTS TAX BUCKETS - This setting allows to identify up to 10 tax buckets that will be included on all the reports that display a breakdown of up to 10 Net and Tax amounts.
- ROUNDING MULTIPLE - Rounding multiple selection.
- ROUNDING MULTIPLE CODE - Rounding multiple transaction code.
- ROUTING CUTOFF TIME - The Cutoff Time of Charges for Routing with Other Dates Option.
- SCHEDULED CHECKOUT ROOM STATUS - During a Scheduled Check Out, this is the status of the departing room.
- SUPPRESS ADVANCE BILL OPTIONS - Define which options should be available under Advance Bill Functionality.
- TAX TYPE CALCULATION - Calculate Tax Type's based on the Profile or the Reservation.
- ZERO BALANCE OPEN FOLIO CLOSE DAYS - Number of days after checkout that an open folio with zero balance will be closed automatically during End of Day.