
Applying a Benefit E-Certificate to a Reservation

This topic details the steps for applying a benefit e-certificate (that has a benefit rate code attached) to a reservation. The configuration process consists of three parts:

Part 1: Configuring a Benefit Rate Code and Attaching it to an E-Certificate

Part 2: Issuing the E-Certificate to a Profile

Part 3: Applying the Benefit E-Certificate to a Reservation


Before beginning, ensure the following application settings are active and user permission is granted:

Part 1: Configuring a Benefit Rate Code and Attaching it to an E-Certificate

  1. On the Rate Setup screen (Configuration > Rate Management > Rate Classifications > Rate Codes), select the Benefit Rate Code option for the rate code you want to designate as a benefit rate code and attach to the e-certificate.


  2. On the E-Certificate Type screen (Setup > System Configuration > Profile > E-Certificate > E-Certificate Types), highlight the e-certificate you want to attach the Benefit Rate Code to and select the Edit button.


  3. On the E-Certificate Type - Edit screen, select the Benefits check box (this will activate the Benefits button).


  4. Select the Benefits button. On the Opera Benefits screen, select the Rate Code down arrow and choose a benefit rate code from the LOV.
  5. In the Number of Nights field, enter the number of night's stay for which the e-certificate with the rate code benefit will apply. For example, if there is a reservation for 5 nights, a "3" in this field would indicate that the e-certificate can only be applied to 3-nights of the stay. In this scenario, the guest will pay for the remainder 2 nights of the stay.
  6. Select Save.

Part 2: Issuing the E-Certificate to a Profile

After configuring the benefit rate code and attaching it to an e-certificate, the next step is to issue the e-certificate to a profile.

  1. On the Profile Search screen (Profiles > Search), enter the name of the profile to issue the e-certificate to and select the Search button. Highlight the profile in the results grid and select the OIS E-Certs indicator lamp. This opens the OPERA E-Certificate screen.

    Note: The "OIS E-Certs" indicator lamp will only display if the profile already has an e-certificate attached. If the profile you are issuing the e-certificate to does not have an e-certificate already attached, you can attach one by going to Profiles > Edit > Options > OCIS E-Certs and selecting an e-certificate.


  2. On the OPERA E-Certificate screen, select the Issue button and choose an e-certificate from the E-Cert Code LOV and choose an Issue Type. Select OK to issue the e-certificate.


    The OPERA E-Certificate screen now indicates that the "BENE" e-certificate has been issued to the profile.


Part 3: Applying the Benefit E-Certificate to a Reservation

In the final part, you will apply the e-certificate to the reservation so it can be consumed.

  1. On the ORS Sales - Define Search screen (ORS > Sales Screen > New), enter a name (a profile with an e-certificate already attached), property, arrival/departure dates, number of nights, number of adults, etc. Select the ECertificate down arrow.


  2. On the OPERA Benefits screen, choose the e-certificate with the benefit rate code attached and select the Select button.


  3. The e-certificate will display in the lower pane indicating that it has been selected for the reservation. Select OK to return to the Define Search screen.
  4. On the ORS Sales - Define Search screen, select the Availability button.


  5. On the Rate Availability screen, select a rate/room type.


  6. On the Reservation screen, enter a name for the reservation, reservation type, market code, source code, etc.

    Note: The e-certificate selected from the previous steps displays in the E-Certificate field.

  7. Select OK to finish the reservation. The Reservation Snapshot screen and closing script screens will display.



See Also

Consume Benefits

Rate Header Tab

E-Certificate Types

Issuing E-Certificates