
Booking Types

A booking type can be associated with a business block to categorize business blocks for reporting purposes. For example, business blocks might be associated with a wedding, a commercial exhibition, a tour, a conference, or so on, and it may be useful to view block revenues and other information segregated by these types.

Select System Configuration > Reservations > Business Blocks > Booking Types to configure booking types. Business block types can then be chosen from the Business Block screen and the Quick Business Block screen Type field LOVs when the Blocks > Business Block Type application parameter is set to Y or from Potential screen when the when the application function General > Potential is set to Y.

Note: The field Booking Type will always be available on the Potential regardless if the application parameter Blocks > Business Block Type is set to N.


Provide the following information and select the OK button:

Code. Code to identify the business block type.

Description. Text description of the business block type.

Display Sequence. Number to indicate the position of this business Block type in list of values displays.

See Also