Business Block Header
To access the Business Block screen, select Reservations > Blocks > Business Block from the main menu. The Business Block Search screen appears. When the OPS<version number> OPERA Sales and Catering license is active, select Business Management > Business Block from the main menu to display the Business Block Search screen. To create a new business block from the Business Block Search screen, select the New button to display the Business Block screen. To edit an existing business block, highlight your choice and select the Edit button.
The business block Header is required for every block and contains basic information including the block code, the full name of the block, the first arrival and last departure dates, the default rate, market and source codes and the reservation type. The block code or block id will be the keys to accessing the block throughout the application.
If you created a block using a rate code in a currency other than your local currency, or selected a different currency in the room grid, the net room revenue and net rate are displayed in that selected currency and the picked-up revenue will be converted to that currency. The Multi-currency feature is available when the GENERAL > MULTI-CURRENCY application function is set to Y.
Note: When the Sales and Catering webProposal is active for the property, the application setting Block>BLOCK STATUS PROMPT WP UPDATE is available. The purpose of this setting is to ensure that when specific business blocks are updated, you have the option of updating the associated, previously sent webProposal. With this application setting, you can select the status codes associated with the blocks you want to alert you. When blocks with the selected status codes are updated and saved, a prompt appears (if the associated webProposal has initially been sent). The message asks "Do you want to update webProposal? - YES or NO." If you select "YES," the webProposal will open with the updated changes. If you select "NO," the webProposal will not launch and will not contain the block updates.
Important! When the appropriate View and Edit Profile permissions have been granted, it is possible in the Business Block screen to open the attached Account, Contact, Business Block or Potential record by double clicking on the name. A double click is only enabled if there is an actual value in the field.
Note: Users without the PROFILE > ACTIVE CHECKBOX ACCESS permission cannot attach/activate an inactive profile.
Account/Company. Displays the Company Account attached to the business block. To add another Company to this business block, click the ellipsis [...] button. When more than one Company Account is attached to the business block, the Primary account is displayed in the business block header highlighted in yellow. Once selected, a profile can be unselected by selecting the ellipsis [...] for the profile you want to remove and then unselecting it in the Select Account screen.
Note: By selecting a Travel Agent or Source for the Account/Company field, this impacts the Profile Production Statistics (profileproductivitystat) report by listing the selected travel agent or source as "Company" on the report.
Contact. Displays the Company Contact attached to the business block. To add another company contact to this business block, press the ellipsis [...] button next to that field. When more than one company contact is attached to the business block, the primary company Contact is displayed in the business block header highlighted in yellow. If the company contact selected has no relationship to the company account already associated with the Business Block, the contact's name will display in a red background. Once selected, a profile can be unselected by selecting the ellipsis [...] for the profile you want to remove and then unselecting it in the Select Contact screen.
When the RESERVATIONS > RESERVATION CONTACT application function is set to Y, booking contacts are copied to the posting master for the booking. In addition, contacts are also copied from the PM to all reservations picked up for the booking.
When a Contact Profile with Specials Preferences is attached to a Business Block Header, a message prompt is displayed when creating the PM Reservation asking the user if they would like to apply these Specials Preferences to the PM Reservation. When selecting Yes, the Specials Preferences will be added automatically to the Reservation, however they will not be added to any of the associated Profiles (i.e., Company, Group, etc.).
When a reservation from Block A is moved to Block B and then the user selects the option All Guests in the group on the Apply these changes to screen, even if the PM reservation has the same arrival and departure dates, and even if there are no reservations left on Block A, the PM reservation stays on the original block (Block A). The user must move the PM from block to block manually. This applies to elastic and non-elastic blocks, with or without a rate code attached.
Agent. Displays the Travel Agent Profile attached to the business block. To add another agent to this business block, press the ellipsis [...] button. When more than one Agent is attached to the business block, the Primary Agent is displayed in the business block header highlighted in yellow. Once selected, a profile can be unselected by selecting the ellipsis [...] for the profile you want to remove and then unselecting it in the Select Account screen.
Note: Users granted the RESERVATIONS > TRAVEL AGENT RESERVATIONS permission are able to add/edit/delete Travel Agent profiles on reservations. Users without the permission will not be able to add/edit/delete Travel Agent profiles to reservations and the Travel Agent field is view only. Also, a reservation cannot be made using a Travel Agent profile as the Guest Name, if the user is not granted this permission.
Contact. Displays the Travel Agent Contact attached to the business block. To add another agent contact to this business block, press the ellipsis [...] button. When more than one agent contact is attached to the business block, the primary Contact is displayed in the business block header highlighted in yellow. If the agent contact selected has no relationship to the agent account already associated with the Business Block, the contact's name will display in a red background. Once selected, a profile can be unselected by selecting the ellipsis [...] for the profile you want to remove and then unselecting it in the Select Contact screen.
Note: When the RESERVATIONS > RESERVATION CONTACT application function is set to Y, booking contacts are copied to the posting master for the booking. In addition, contacts are also copied from the PM to all reservations picked up for the booking.
Source. When the PROFILES > SOURCE application function is set to Y, displays the Source Profile attached to the highlighted business block. To add another Source to this Business Block, press the ellipsis [...] button. When more than one Source is attached to the business block, the primary Source is displayed in the business block header highlighted in yellow. Once selected, a profile can be unselected by selecting the ellipsis [...] for the profile you want to remove and then unselecting it in the Select Account screen.
Contact. Displays the Source Contact attached to the business block. To add another source contact to this business block, press the ellipsis [...] button. When more than one source contact is attached to the business block, the primary Contact is displayed in the business block header highlighted in yellow. If the source contact selected has no relationship to the source account already associated with the Business Block, the contact's name will display in a red background. Once selected, a profile can be unselected by selecting the ellipsis [...] for the profile you want to remove and then unselecting it in the Select Contact screen.
Note: When the application setting BLOCKS > PROFILE PROMPT FOR BLOCKS is set to R, at least one Account or Contact Profile must be selected before the business block can be saved.
Potential. When the GENERAL > POTENTIAL application function is active the Potential field displays showing the Potential (revenue and room nights expected of a client during specific periods of time used as targets for comparison with the actual room nights and revenue generated from the client) attached to the business block. To add another Potential to this business block, press the ellipsis [...] button. Potentials can be used as "templates" for actual Business Blocks when the client is ready to book whereby many of the fields in the business block screen will be "defaulted" to the information provided in the Potential. Once selected, a Potential can be unselected by selecting the ellipsis [...] for the potential you want to remove and then unselecting it in the Select Profile screen.
Group. Displays the Group Profile attached to the Business Block. To add another Group Profile to this business block, press the ellipsis [...] button. It is not possible to attach more than 1 group profile to a business block. A Group Profile will be automatically created and attached when the business block is saved if one has not already been attached by the user. Once selected, a Group can be unselected by right clicking and choosing Unselect Group.
Block ID. This view-only field shows the system-generated block number.
Launch (External RFP vendor name, such as StarCite). For remote properties using the OXI interface to receive incoming Request for Proposal (RFP) leads from an external RFP vendor (i.e.StarCite), the hyperlink appears under these conditions:
Select the hyperlink to directly access the RFP reply page where you can login and make updates to the appropriate RFP. See Adding, Sending, and Resending Leads for more information.
Property Indicator. Select the button to access the Property screen. The name of the property where the Business Block is booked will display to the left of this icon.
Master Block. When the application function BLOCKS > MASTER SUB BLOCKS is set to Y, select this check box to indicate this is a master business block. This option is only available when a New block is created.
Master Allocation. When the application function BLOCKS > MASTER SUB ALLOCATIONS is set to Y, select this check box to indicate this is a master business block. This option is also available in single property but is only visible when a New block is created.
Dates Flexible. When the application function BLOCKS > ALTERNATE DATES is set to Y and the booking status code for the Business Block is not Deduct from Inventory, this option allows for the entry of an alternate set of dates or date ranges for which this block can be booked. See Alternate Dates for details.
Additionally, when the OPF<version number> OPERA SFA license is active, alternate dates can be used as a means for suggesting date sets or date ranges on Leads either by SFA or the lead recipient. See Creating and Editing Business Blocks in SFA and Web Lead Reply for further details.
Referral. Available when the LEAD > PROPERTY LEAD CREATION application parameter is set to Y. Select this check box to create a lead referral from the business block and send it to other properties as a lead. This check box is available only prior to saving the new business block. Catering Attendees will automatically be filled with zero when the Referral check box is selected and a number of attendees has not already been entered. See Referral Leads for details.
Sync. This check box is visible when the application function BLOCKS > MASTER SUB BLOCKS is set to Y and is checked by default when the application parameter BLOCKS > SYNCHRONIZE MASTER SUB is set to Y. It determines if master and sub bookings should be synchronized (driven by changes on the master only); when the flag is checked, the linked sub-booking are View Only. This option is only visible when a New block is created.
Property. When the OPP MHT2 or OPS MHT2 Multi-Property license code is Active, the Property to which this business block belongs.
Note: Copying a booking with Alternate Dates will NOT copy the alternate dates. Also, when alternate dates exist for a booking, a lamp will display at the bottom of the Business Block screen. Click on the lamp to access to the alternate dates directly.
Name. Displays the name of the business block. By default if there is an Acct/Comp field populated this name will be copied to the Name of the business block. However, if the name of the Business Block is different from the Acct/Comp, then edit it by typing in the field. Select the down arrow to open the Alias window and add, view, or delete an alternative block name or alias. The alias names can be used to search for the business block and multiple aliases can be entered in the Alias window and is available when the application parameter BLOCKS > ALIAS is set to Y. When an active OXI interface is present, multiple block alias names can be exchanged in the <blockAlias> tag of the allotment message as comma separated values. If the value of the XML tag <blockAlias> is NULL, Alias names will not be removed from a block header.
Start Date. A Calendar field that is prompting for the Start of this business block. This might not necessarily be the Arrival of the Guests in-house, but may include a set up day for Events. If the Start Date changes the room grid and events will be shifted based on the delta between the old start date and the new start date. If the number of nights is changed together with the start date, and the existing room grid will not fit in the new dates, the change is not allowed.
Note: When changing the dates of a Master Allocation, Sub Allocations the dates can only be changed to dates that would still accommodate any existing sub-allocation dates. For example:
Master Allocation dates 5/01/07 - 5/31/07 <- Departure date may be moved to any date in the future
Sub-Allocation 1 dates 5/05/07 - 5/15/07 <- Departure date may be moved back as far as 5/31/07
Sub-Allocation 2 dates 5/10/07 - 5/25/07 <- Arrival date may be moved to any date earlier that 5/10/07 but no earlier than the Master's Arrival date (05/01/07)
Sub-Allocation 3 dates 5/15/07 - 5/30/07 <- Arrival date may be moved to any date as far as 5/15/07 but no earlier than the Master's Arrival date (05/01/07)
Master Allocations are available when the application function BLOCKS > MASTER SUB ALLOCATIONS is active. See Business Blocks Master Allocations and Business Block Sub-Allocations for more details.
Nights. Type the number of nights required for this business block. Remember that it might not necessarily be the number of nights the guests are staying in-house. Changing this number will automatically change the End Date.
Note: The BLOCKS > MAXIMUM NUMBER OF BLOCK DAYS application setting, if specified, sets an upper limit on the number of nights that can be entered. If the Maximum Number of Block Days setting is left blank, the upper limit defaults to 365.
Note: When a booking is designated for Day Use (zero room nights) the Grid button is disabled on the Business Block Reservation screen. Conversely, bookings that already have inventory on the grid, will display an error message 'Unable to change Block dates – Inventory exists'.
When the number of nights is modified for a business block and a Deposit Rule has been applied for a non-zero amount, such as a Flat Rate, then the amount for the deposit will be unchanged. But if the Deposit Rule is setup for a percentage or nights and the number of nights for the block is changed, then the Deposit Rule amount will be recalculated.
End Date. A Calendar field calculated from the Start Date and Nights fields. If this field is incorrect you can change it and it will update the Nights field.
Allowable Date Change Operations:
Date Change Operations that are NOT Allowed:
Catering Only. The BLOCKS > CATERING application parameter controls the functionality of this check box in the following manner:
Note: If the OXI Delphi license code (OPX_DEL2) is active in PMS only installations, the Catering Only check box will be visible since Delphi may send catering only blocks to the PMS.
Shoulder Start/Shoulder End. (Available when the BLOCKS > SHOULDER DATES application parameter is set to Y.) Once the block has been saved and marked as Elastic or Sell Limit in the Inventory Control field of the Business Block screen Rooms tab, the shoulder start and shoulder end date fields are visible and can be added to the block prior to the arrival date and/or following the departure date of the business block. These dates are shown in yellow type on the Rooms Grid. These 2 fields can be used to define a shoulder period start date and shoulder period end date. The start shoulder period will run from the Shoulder Start date until the start date of the business block. The shoulder end period will run from the end date of the business block to the Shoulder End date. The BLOCKS > MAX SHOULDER DAYS application setting allows you to restrict the number of shoulder days to a maximum number before the booking arrival date and after the booking departure date. A Reservation or Event cannot be made for a date outside the Shoulder Start and Shoulder End Dates.
Status. A drop down list field where you can select the status of the overall booking, which controls the status of the blocked rooms. The status options available on this drop down list depend on the current status. The Status Definition table determines the "Starting Statuses" that have been configured via the Configuration > Reservations > Business Blocks > Status Codes. Codes with the Starting status check box marked are the only statuses that you will see when creating a new business block.
If the BLOCKS > CONFIRM BOOKING STATUS CHANGE application parameter is set to Y, a message prompts you to confirm a change in the status.
If the booking status is changed to a Cancelled status, the cancellation number is recorded in the User Activity Log and the user is prompted to enter a cancellation reason.
Note: The Status and the Status Update date display in the title bar of the Business Block screen, reflecting when the status was last updated and to which status the booking was updated.
Note: When a status has been selected (i.e. Definite) in the application setting BLOCKS > DATE DEFINITE and the status on the business block header has been changed to that Status, the system date when this occurred will be available for querying. Date Definite can be queried in Data Extraction Queries based on the Data Source "Business Blocks with Accounts and Contacts" and can also be viewed in an OPERA Simple Report in the Business Blocks View.
Note: Within business blocks, if the Non-Deduct status is setup as Allow Pickup and reservations are picked up, the reservations that are picked up after the status has changed on the business block booking will need to be updated using the Apply These Changes To functionality. This can simply be accomplished by updating one of the reservations from the Room Grid Reservation screen and applying this change to the reservations that need to be updated.
Market. Select what market segment is to be attached to the business block. If the RESERVATIONS > MARKET MAIN GROUP application parameter is set to Y, you must select a market group and a market code within that group.
Source. Choosing from this single choice drop down list determines how you got this business block. Here you have the ability to qualify how this block came into the property (Sales Call, Trade Show, Cold Call, Referral).
Origin. Define the channel (GDS, Email, Web Site) where this business block originated.
Owner. This is defaulted to the Sales Manager that is the Primary owner of the Profile that is attached at the Acct/Comp level. To attach an additional owner or change the primary ownership, click on the ellipsis button.
If more than one Owner is attached, the primary owner will be displayed highlighted in yellow.
When the Owner field has a gray background, it indicates that the owner listed is an inactive primary owner. Select a new active owner, if desired.
The following rules have been applied for defaulting the overall salesrep code on a new booking:
If account and contact have the same owner, it only defaults once.
Owner defaults as the BB Secondary Overall Owner.
If account and contact have the same owner, it only defaults once.
If account and potential have the same owner, it only defaults once.
Note: These scenarios work identically in S&C and SFA.
Note: The property block owner defined in the Blocks > Main Property Block/Lead Owner application setting will be transferred to SFA via OXI and stored in a separate remote owner table, ALLOTMENT$REMOTE_OWNERS.
Type. Select the type of booking. Then use this type to search and run reports for a general overview of the type of business (Conference, Wedding, Exhibition) that is being booked. (This field appears when the Blocks application parameter Business Block Type is set to Y.)
Wholesale Block. When the OPO_<version number> RMS license code is active, select this check box to consider the business block as a wholesale block for revenue management block materialization forecasting. During the activation of ORMS, past and future blocks with more than 60 nights length of stay are automatically marked as Wholesale Blocks; you can unselect the check box here, if you don't want these blocks identified as wholesale.
Final Block. This check box is visible when the OPO_<version number> RMS license code is active and applies to both regular blocks and wholesale blocks. Select this check box to identify this block and its number of rooms actually sold as the number of rooms that ORMS will use for forecasting. This can be calculated before the cutoff date has been reached (see Business Block Rooms Tab) and on the cutoff date. In both cases, the forecasts take into account the rooms actually sold and those rooms that were released to other inventory. If this check box is not selected, then ORMS uses only the original sold block for the forecast and does not include the final amount of actual sold and picked up rooms.
Note: When moving business blocks, the move action will trigger an update of the rate restrictions based on the existing rate strategies (e.g., removing the block rooms from the count of the original date and adding them to the count on the new date). This applies to any system where rate strategies are active.
When moving or copying a booking to another date, dependent dates (i.e. Follow-up Date, Decision Date, Shoulder Dates, Catering Follow-Up Date, Catering Decision Date, and Rooming List Due Date) automatically shift earlier or later by the same number of days that the booking dates have shifted. The value of the new date fields will not, however, be less than the current business date (the current business date is used in this case), and if no date was specified for one of these fields in the original business block, the field will remain null (empty) in the moved or copied business block. The Cutoff Date field will also be adjusted when a business block start date is changed, but the Cutoff Date / Cutoff Days field will not be populated when a new business block is created via the copy process.
Note: An exception to this is selecting the Adjust decision & followup date to new arrival date check box while copying the business block. See Block Copy for further details.
See Business Block Main Screen Painting Elements for details.
Begin Date Text. Displays the day of the week in which the business block begins. This field is usually screen painted beside the Begin Date field.
Access Excl. (Available when the OPR<version number>ORS license code is active.) Select this button to open the Block Access Exclusion - Configuration screen where you can exclude other OPERA systems, such as CROs, from editing this block. For more information, see Block Access Exclusion.
Catering Revenue. Label for the Catering Revenue table in the lower right hand section of the screen.
End Date Text. Displays the day of the week in which the business block ends. This field is usually screen painted beside the End Date field.
Net. Room Revenue label used in the Rooms Revenue table.
Net Rate. Net Rate label that is used in the Rooms Revenue table.
Room. Room Nights label used in the Rooms Revenue table.
Rooms Revenue. Title label for the Rooms Revenue table in the lower left hand section of the screen.
Total Forecast. Total for the Forecast column in the Catering Revenue table.
Total Margin. Total for the Margin column in the Catering Revenue table.
Total Margin Percentage. Total for the % column in the Catering Revenue table.
Total Revenue. Total for the Revenue column in the Catering Revenue table.
Tour Code Display. Field that displays the tour code for the business block.
See Also