Business Rules for No Show reservations to Marsha
This topic contains the following business rules for NoShows to Marsha:
No Show of Transient Single reservation
- If the guest does not claim a reservation in PMS, the night audit procedure turns that booking into a no-show.
- OXI will process a no-show message based on the business events created during night audit where the returned request code in PST/ARS shows ‘CS’ and the arrival status in PST/ARS is returned as ‘NS’. Apart from that, the same rules for message construction apply as for other messages uploaded. The booking section includes the CRR component referencing the MARSHA GNR. PMS components will be included in both booking and product sections.
- MARSHA will retrieve the GNR referenced by the CRR component in the booking section.
- The status change will cancel the associated inventory and will update the face of the GNR to show ‘NS’ in each accommodation line.
No-show of a reservation with a Company Profile attached
The only indicator of a company reservation is the rate code defined for the company profile. No other company details are returned in the no-show message.
No Show of a Share reservation
- A share is automatically broken if one or all sharers are no- shows and the share numbers are removed in PMS. .
- If the entire reservation is no-show, OXI will upload one No Show message to Marsha.
- If one sharer of the reservation is No-Show and the other sharers are still active in PMS, an XX in the GST section of the no-showed sharer will be uploaded. If this no-show affects anything else (e.g., date changes), an appropriate change message to the PST section will be uploaded.
No Show of Contiguous reservation
The no-show message sent to MARSHA contains all the RAT components again. Apart from that it is similar to the transient reservation no-show message.